



McGill University (Continuing Education)







Research Centres                                                 

1. Advanced Materials, McGill Institute for (MIAM);

2. Aging, Centre for Studies in (MCSA);

3. AIDS Centre, McGill;

4. Alan Edwards Centre for Research on Pain;

5. Avian Science and Conservation Centre (ASCC);

6. Bioinformatics, McGill Centre for;

7. Bone and Periodontal Research, Centre for;

8. Brace Centre for Water Resources Management;

9. Centre for Applied Mathematics in Bioscience and Medicine-CAMBAM;

10. Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism;

11. Centre for International Peace and Security Studies;

12. Centre for Research on Air and Space Law;

13. Centre for Research on Language, Brain and Music;

14. Centre for the Study of Reproduction;

15. Centre for Structural Biology;

16. Centre on Population Dynamics;

17. Children and Families, Centre for Research on;

18. Convergence of Health and Economics, McGill Centre for (MCCHE);

19. East Asian Research, Centre for;

20. Indian Ocean World Centre;

21. Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment, Centre for (CINE);

22. Intellectual Property Policy, Centre for (CIPP);

23. Intelligent Machines, Centre for (CIM);

24. J.D. MacLean Centre for Tropical Diseases;

25. McGill International TB Centre;

26. McGill University Research Centre for Physical Activity and Health;

27. Medicine, Ethics and Law, McGill Centre for;

28. Metals Processing Centre, McGill;

29. Microbiome and Disease Tolerance Centre;

30. Music, Media and Technology, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in (CIRMMT);

31. Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law;

32. Physics of Materials, Centre for the;

33. Research on Religion, Centre for;

34. Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Centre;

35. Self Assembled Chemical Structures, Centre for (CSACS);

36. Society, Technology and Development, McGill Centre for (STANDD);

37. Strategy Studies in Organizations, Centre for;

38. Translational Research in Cancer, McGill Centre for;

39. Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviours, International Centre for;