
The Kevin Boushel Memorial Scholarship



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Fee waiver/discount


Degree - Masters


International Business


A graduate of UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business with a GPA of 3.68 (Hons 1.1) or above.

Excellently written essay question answers in the course application. There are two at 300 words each as part of the online application to the MSc programme.


  • This Scholarship is open to EU or non-EU applicants except full-time employees of UCD.
  • The scholarship is limited to those who will have submitted a complete application directly to UCD Smurfit School entry to an MSc full-time and who hold a full, unconditional offer from The School.
  • The Kevin Boushel Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a Quinn School candidate deemed to be of the highest calibre by the UCD Smurfit School judging panel. UCD Smurfit School reserves the right not to award the Scholarship prize if no candidate of the required calibre is identified. The decision is final and correspondence will not be entered into.
  • The prize consists of half tuition fees for the upcoming academic year.
  • The judging panel reserves the right to split the prize fund amongst winners.
  • The continuation of the scholarship funding for semester 2 is subject to the awardee making satisfactory progress on the programme and passing all exams at the end of semester one.
  • Candidates must be available to commence a MSc full-time programme in early September of that academic year.
  • The scholarship is not open to recipients of any other scholarships being awarded by UCD Smurfit School.
  • Winning candidate will be informed end August 2022.
  • Classes commence in early September 2022.
  • No cash alternative.
  • No substitutions allowed.
  • The winner must agree to participate in publicity if applicable.


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