
Pathway to Victoria Scholarship

澳大利亚联邦大学   澳大利亚



AUD 2,500


Not Specified


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Bachelors Degree,Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas,Masters Degrees,MBA


Not Specified


Federation University will assess students for their eligibility based on the information provided at the time of application to the University. The University will notify successful applicants when making an offer for the program/s of study.

Conditions of scholarship: The applicant:

• Must be an international student commencing a coursework degree program and be in receipt of the scholarship.

• Commence a pathway program immediately prior to undertaking the main program. For example. Diploma program prior to an undergraduate degree or English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program prior to an undergraduate or postgraduate (Master by coursework) program.

• Have accepted a packaged offer for the pathway program and the main Federation University higher education degree program.

• Can be awarded the scholarship in conjunction with other scholarships

• Have a packaged Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) for the eligible pathway program and the main Federation University higher education degree course.

• Must have a valid student visa at the commencement of the main program.

• Will comply with the Pathways to Victoria Scholarships Program Guidelines which may be revised by the Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions from time to time to meet evolving Program requirements.

• Will maintain a full-time study load in the main program.

In addition

• The scholarship cannot be deferred. If an applicant does not progress to a COE during the intake, the scholarship offer will be withdrawn.

• Recipients must meet all the conditions of their Offer Letter.

• Recipients must agree to Federation University sharing the student's name and study program with the Victorian Government.



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      澳大利亚联邦大学是一所公立综合性院校,建校历史可追溯到1870年,是澳大利亚三所最古老的教学机构之一,建校百年来凭借着出色的学术实力培养了许多的优秀学子,但是想要拿到学校的offer得满足条件才行,那么接下来小编就带着大家一起来了解下澳大利亚联邦大学留学得满足哪些条件?推荐以下专业就读的相关介绍盘点。  澳大利亚联邦大学留学得满足哪些条件  1、学术要求  大专与本科学术要求  希望就读的学生必须完成澳大利亚12年级或海外同等学历课程。一些课程可能还规定了额外的具体入学要求。
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      作为一个国际知名的留学目的地,澳大利亚以其卓越的教育质量吸引了来自世界各地的学生。在澳洲,有许多优秀的留学院校,每年吸引了大量学生前来就读。如果你对澳洲的留学院校还不太清楚,小编很乐意为你提供详细的了解。请跟随我,一同探索澳洲留学学校了解过吗?选择澳洲留学的因素分析?赶快来看看吧!  一、澳洲留学学校了解过吗?  以下便是澳洲留学学校了解过吗的内容总结:  1、澳大利亚国立大学  Australian National University,简称ANNU坐落在澳大利亚首都堪培拉,是澳大利亚由联邦国会专门单独立法而创立的大学。澳大利亚国立大学的杰出校友包括6名诺贝尔奖得主,居澳大利亚首位;其澳大利亚联邦院士人数超过270名,居澳大利亚首位;其皇家学会的会员人数比澳大利亚的其它所有大学的总和还多。