Not Specified
All eligible students
Not Specified
Fee waiver/discount
Bachelor's Degree,University Certificate/Diploma
Not Specified
Scholarships are limited to students studying in open enrolment undergraduate programs only (excluded programs include: Mechanical Engineering (E/F), Architecture (E/F), Nursing (E/F), Sports Administration (E), Forensic Science (E), Human Kinetics (E/F), Social Work (E/F), Education (E/F), Midwifery (E/F), Radiation Therapy (E), Orthophonie (F)).
These scholarships are renewable in subsequent years for a maximum of three years or upon graduation whichever comes first, provided that the average remains above 80%and you meet all of the other disbursement and renewal regulations. To continue your scholarship at the same value, your average in subsequent years must remain above 80% (7.5 GPA). If your average decreases, in subsequent years, your award will be recalculated on the basis of the above scholarship grid as long as you maintain an above 80% average. For scholarship purposes, the average calculation is not rounded up.
Students who are 60 years of age and receive a tuition exemption waiver are not eligible for the Laurentian University Academic Excellence Scholarships.
Scholarships are limited to students studying in open enrolment undergraduate programs only (excluded program: Nursing (E/F))
Fee waiver/discount