Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe (1886) |1925 Pulitzer Prize winner;
Joe Morgenstern (BA English, 1953)| 2005 Pulitzer Prize winner;
Martin Baron (1976)|editor of The Washington Post/former editor of The Boston Globe/2003 Pulitzer Prize winner;
John-David F. Bartoe (BS Physics 1966)|Space Shuttle astronaut and ISS research manager for NASA;
Stephen James Benkovic (1960)|chemist;
William Bowie (C.E. 1895)|geodetic engineer/namesake of Bowie Seamount;
Morris Llewellyn Cooke (BS Mech. E., 1895)|known for his rural electrification efforts in the U.S. during the 1920s and 1930s;
Paul Corkum (PhD Theoretical Physics, 1972)| attosecond physics and laser science;
Albert P. Crary (MS Physics)| Antarctic explorer;
Philip Drinker (Chem Eng., 1917)| co-inventor of the modern respirator;
Pongpol Adireksarn (1964)|Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand;
William David Blakeslee Ainey| United States Congressman;
Ali Al-Naimi (BS Geology 1962)| Saudi Arabia Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources and Chairman of Aramco;
Carville Benson (1890)| United States Congressman;
William A. Collins|state representative and four-term mayor of Norwalk, Connecticut, 1977-1981 and 1983-1987;
Charlie Dent (MPA, 1993)|United States Congressman;