
MICA Scholarship

马里兰艺术学院   美国



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All eligible students


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Fee waiver/discount


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The following criteria must be met for your MICA Scholarship to be renewed each year:

1. You are registered as a full-time undergraduate student. Full-time enrollment at MICA is defined as 12 or more credits per semester. Note that to complete your degree within four years as an entering first-year freshman, the typical course load is at least 15 credits per semester in order to complete 120 credits over 4 years.

2. You may receive a scholarship for a maximum of 4 years (8 semesters) if you begin as a first-year freshman. Transfer credits or advanced standing may reduce the length of your eligibility. For instance, a student who enters with sophomore standing will be eligible for 3 years (6 semesters) maximum.

3. You must remain in good academic standing and maintain the high standards of personal conduct expected of all students in the MICA community.

  • Academic standing is reviewed annually. If you are in good academic standing, your scholarship will be automatically renewed.
  • The Student Affairs Office will notify Financial Aid if there is a serious non-academic conducting violation resulting in your suspension or expulsion from the College. If you are suspended or expelled, your scholarship will be revoked.


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