
Welcome Back International Scholarship

莫道克大学   澳大利亚



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Fee waiver/discount


Bachelors Degree,Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas,Masters Degrees


Geomatic Engineering


Welcoming new students into our supportive community has been at the heart of Murdoch University and continues to be so during the challenging times COVID-19 has brought to us all.

With Australian and Western Australian borders opening in 2022, Murdoch is welcoming back international students with a 20% fee reduction scholarship for their course duration.

We encourage you to apply and accept your offer to start studying in 2022 and beyond.

Murdoch looks forward to welcoming you to our beautiful Perth campus as you join our global community of pioneering minds.

You could be eligible if you meet all of the following requirements:

you are an international, full fee-paying student
you are starting studies at one of Murdoch's Western Australian campuses in 2022 to 2024 intakes
you are starting studies in an eligible Murdoch coursework degree
you are not receiving any other Murdoch scholarship

You are not eligible to receive this scholarship if you:

are an Australian citizen or permanent residency visa holder
are not required to pay international student tuition fees
have an incomplete Murdoch University degree
have received an Australian Government scholarship that covers all or part of your tuition fees
are sponsored by a non-Australian Government funding body that holds a scholarship agreement with Murdoch University.

Eligible courses:

bachelor, graduate certificate, graduate diploma and masters by coursework degrees available to international students and delivered at one of Murdoch's Western Australian campus' (excluding the Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Veterinary Biology, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and Master of Clinical Psychology as these are ineligible courses)



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      默多克大学与莫道克大学,很多留学生刚刚接触的时候都会傻傻分不清楚,两个名字看起来虽然不太相同,可读音却十分相似,那么默多克大学与莫道克大学是一所学校吗?默多克大学有哪些可选的专业?如果你也对默多克大学和莫道克大学感兴趣的话,相信下面的内容能为你答疑解惑。   一、默多克大学与莫道克大学是一所学校吗?  默多克大学与莫道克大学是一所学校吗?是的!其实默多克大学与莫道克大学就是一所学校,它们只是在音译的时候被译成了不同的汉字而已。
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      莫道克大学是澳洲一所非常出色的学府,这所院校力求教育完美、曾多次获奖、并在研究和教学领域享有国际声誉的公立大学,因此吸引了一众学子的目光,为此今天小编就为大家整理了澳洲莫道克大学研究生学制和申请条件等相关信息。在此推荐给大家以供广大远赴他国的学习的学子们作为参考,希望能对你有所帮助。有任何问题都可以咨询IDP留学顾问哦!  莫道克大学研究生学制  莫道克大学研究生学制一般是1年或者2年。  研究生热门专业学制
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    很多想要去澳洲留学的同学们都咨询过易申网这样一个问题:澳洲莫道克大学会计专业好吗?比较喜欢会计,但还是澳洲读会计好一点吧,其实不然,澳洲大学的会计专业也是比较多的,其中最为重要的就是 澳洲莫道克大学会计专业 ,那么对于澳洲的留学生来说,澳洲莫道克大学会计专业的优势到底在那里?申请条件是不是很高?就业
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      莫道克大学是澳洲唯一一所连续五年获得五星级毕业满意度的院校,这所院校凭借其一流的教学质量和科研成果在世界上享有盛誉,据悉,该校开设的迪拜校区也是非常出色的,因此每年前往留学深造的人也是数不胜数,为此今天小编就为大家整理了澳大利亚莫道克大学迪拜校区就读优势和优势专业等相关信息。在此推荐给大家以供广大远赴他国的学习的学子们作为参考,希望能对你有所帮助。有任何问题都可以咨询IDP留学顾问哦!  澳大利亚莫道克大学迪拜校区就读优势