
NTU Excellence Scholarships



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Fee waiver/discount




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Our NTU Excellence Scholarships are worth 50% or 25% off your tuition fees. These are awarded to undergraduate and postgraduate students who can demonstrate excellent academic achievement and the potential to contribute to the university community.

To be eligible for an International Scholarship, you must have an offer of a place on an eligible course (excluding SQE Preparation courses, PGDL, LPC, BTC, Distance Learning and Exchange students) and be classed as an overseas student for tuition fee purposes (‘international student').
Nottingham Trent International College (NTIC) progression students are not eligible to apply for an International Scholarship. Please do not submit a scholarship application before you have applied to study at the University. You must have an offer of a place on an eligible course with NTU (Nottingham Trent University) before submitting a scholarship application.
These scholarships are for international applicants only. If you are studying at an institution that has a partnership agreement with NTU you are eligible for either an NTU International Scholarship or the Partner Progression Discount (the higher amount would be deducted from your tuition fees). International students who receive sponsorship (your tuition fees are being paid by an employer, government, or funding body in full or in part) are not eligible to apply for an International Scholarship. Applicants may only apply for an International Scholarship once per academic year per offer of a place on a qualifying course. You are only eligible for an International Scholarship if you are an international student and are due to enrol on the first year of a course (or year 2 or 3 of an undergraduate course in the case of advanced entry) in September 2022, or January 2023.



  • 诺丁汉特伦特大学表演专业怎么样? 分享诺丁汉特伦特大学的艺术专业!_IDP留学
      诺丁汉特伦特大学创建于1843年,是英国本土学生比较青睐的高校之一,这所学校的学术和教学声誉极高,在多年的政府教育质量保证机构评估当中获得了出色的评价。该校的艺术和设计学院是英国最古老的艺术学院之一,拥有英国顶尖级的艺术设计中心和工作室,专业性在学科领域当中位居前列。诺丁汉特伦特大学表演专业怎么样?今天小编就向大家做简单的回答,以供各位学子思考。  诺丁汉特伦特大学表演专业怎么样  诺丁汉特伦特大学的表演专业全面探索戏剧和现场表演的当代设计实践的各个方面,包括布景和服装设计;搭建;数字技术与设计;灯光设计与视听;场地特定设计;木偶戏设计;文物设施布局;社区和教育设计。
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    对英国有所了解的朋友都知道,诺丁汉特伦特大学是英国最受学生青睐的学校之一,该校是所课程齐全的综合大学,享有很高的学术和教学声誉。诺丁汉特伦特大学一直都以教学质量高、注重联系实际而赢得了广泛的赞誉,因此每年都有大批的学生慕名前往留学,那么该校都有哪些优势专业呢?为此今天小编就为大家整理了 英国诺丁汉特
  • 诺丁汉特伦特大学研究生几个学期? 申请要求有哪些?_IDP留学
      英国虽然并不是一个移民国家,但英国的教育资源特别的充沛,有多所世界一流院校,而这些学校不仅受到了英国本地生的欢迎,并且也招收了不少优秀的国际生。诺丁汉特伦特大学是一所世界一流院校,有的学生在本科毕业后申请了该校的硕士学位,并且成功的拿到了offer。诺丁汉特伦特大学研究生几个学期?今天小编先向大家做简单的回答,以供各位学子参考。  诺丁汉特伦特大学研究生几个学期  诺丁汉特伦特大学研究生一般读一年。别专业需要读一年半,例如新闻/播音、公共关系、时装及纺织设计、平面设计、插画、商科等专业学制是1年,而法学、计算机、商业、传媒、环境科学、建筑环境等专业学制是1.5年。据了解,一年研究生大概是两个学期,而如果学制是1.5年,则需要三个学期。
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