
Apex Scholarship

俄勒冈大学   美国



USD 30,000


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Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


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Apex Scholarships reward scholars for reaching the peak of high school achievement. You'll scale even greater heights as you join the UO's tradition of excellence.

The Apex Scholarship awards Oregon residents USD $8,000 total - USD $2,000 per year for four years, and due to the difference in tuition, non-resident residents will receive USD $30,000 total - USD $7,500 per year for four years (annual award is split evenly over fall, winter & spring terms). The Apex Scholarship can be combined with other UO scholarships, including the Presidential, Diversity Excellence, and General University Scholarships. The Apex Scholarship may not be combined with the Summit Scholarship or the UO Excellence Scholarship. Students enrolled in five-year degree programs will receive the Apex Scholarship for a fifth year. These degrees include BLA (Landscape Architecture), BIARC (Interior Architecture), and BARCH (Architecture).

You must enroll at the UO in the fall term of your freshman year and you must enroll in 12 University of Oregon credits each term to receive this award.

Scholarship Renewal

Apex Scholarships are renewable for up to 12 academic terms (excluding summer) within a five-year period, or 15 academic terms within a six-year period for students seeking a BLA, BIARC, or BARCH degree. Renewal awards require a minimum 3.00 cumulative UO GPA and completion of 12 UO credits per term / 36 UO credits per year.



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