
Competitive Graduate Award



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Fee waiver/discount


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The applicants must be one of the following: a fully admitted new graduate student who is accepted as a classified student in a masters graduate degree program at SIUE and whose first term of enrollment will be no earlier than the summer preceding the fall award period (in the event that a student applies to multiple graduate programs at SIUE, the student must be fully admitted to the program indicated on the CGA application). Students who have completed a prior graduate program at SIUE are not eligible to apply. An SIUE undergraduate approved for admission to and currently enrolled in an approved combined bachelor to masters program provided they will be fully admitted to the graduate program before the fall award period (Note that this requirement includes having completed the baccalaureate degree) . A previously-enrolled graduate student who have been out of their program for at least 4 semesters at the time of the CGA application.

The applicant must have a minimum 3.25 overall undergraduate cumulative GPA and, if relevant, a minimum 3.25 graduate cumulative GPA in order to apply.
The applicant must have an identified SIUE faculty member who will work with the applicant on a scholarly activity during the award period. SIUE employees and State of Illinois Civil Service employees at other universities are not eligible for the award. Currently-enrolled SIUE undergraduate student workers are eligible to apply provided they meet the above requirements.

Up to 19 CGAs are granted for the nine-month academic year (fall and spring semesters). The RA position provides significant benefits, including:Full tuition waiver for both fall and spring semesters for up to 12 credit hours per semester. (Recipients are responsible for paying fees.)



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