Scholarships and bursaries are not applicable with any other offer.
Deferral or not accepting this scholarship or bursary offer forfeits this offer.
Available to new applicants only.
Available to International Students currently residing in Australia commencing their studies in Session 3, 2022 and Session 1, 2023.
The bursary has been applied to a standard of 4 subjects with the initial Letter of Offer, the amount will be adjusted to reflect the final course load when enrolment is completed for session one. If enrolment is less than 4 subjects, the adjustment will add credit to the student's account, ultimately reducing fees owing for the following session.
This bursary is offered by SIBT and can be withdrawn at the discretion of the provider.
The bursary will be applied as a credit to the enrolled subject fees each session and cannot be withdrawn or exchanged for cash.
悉尼商业技术学院信息技术专业 让你成为信息时代的佼佼者!_IDP留学
悉尼商业技术学院信息技术专业 让你成为信息时代的佼佼者!_IDP留学
悉尼商业技术学院项目管理专业 让你成为一名出色的项目经理!_IDP留学
近些年,由于社会竞争日益激烈,社会生产越来越需要复合型人才,即就是T型人才,很多行业都需要有既懂得技术、又懂得管理的项目经理,比如:建筑企业、银行证券、宾馆……从而项目管理专业成为了非常火爆的学科,海内外各个院校都开设了项目管理专业,这不澳洲的悉尼商业技术学院就开设了项目管理专业,下面,就随小编来看看吧,希望对大家有所帮助: CERTIFICATE IV IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRACTICE
悉尼商业技术学院项目管理专业 让你成为一名出色的项目经理!_IDP留学
近些年,由于社会竞争日益激烈,社会生产越来越需要复合型人才,即就是T型人才,很多行业都需要有既懂得技术、又懂得管理的项目经理,比如:建筑企业、银行证券、宾馆……从而项目管理专业成为了非常火爆的学科,海内外各个院校都开设了项目管理专业,这不澳洲的悉尼商业技术学院就开设了项目管理专业,下面,就随小编来看看吧,希望对大家有所帮助: CERTIFICATE IV IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRACTICE