
Alumni discount

斯泰福厦大学   英国



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Fee waiver/discount




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This offer applies to full-time and part-time campus based, blended and distance learning students who start a new postgraduate programme, and is open to all students who have graduated from a full-time or part-time undergraduate degree course (excluding HND and foundation degrees).

To be eligible for the Alumni Discount you must: Have graduated with a Staffordshire University undergraduate degree or postgraduate award from Staffordshire University or an approved Collaborative Academic Partner institution. Be self-financing the tuition fee for your programme. If you've applied for a Masters or Doctoral Loan from Student Finance you will still be classed as self-financing. Not be taking a course that is fully funded by the Teaching Agency, the NHS or any other statutory organisation. Not be in receipt of another Staffordshire University discount, bursary or scholarship that exceeds the total fee reduction you may receive through the alumni discount scheme. In the event you qualify for more than one award you'll receive whichever gives you the greatest discount. Meet the minimum entry requirements for the programme to which you are applying. You'll receive a fee reduction of 25%, providing: You graduated in 2020/21 or 2021/22, and Start your postgraduate studies in the 2022/23 academic year. If you graduated in 2019/20 or earlier, you'll receive a 10% fee reduction for the duration of your studies. The Staffordshire University alumni discount scheme will be reviewed on an annual basis and may change or be removed for new enrolments in future years. Continuing students already in receipt of an alumni discount will not be affected. If you enrol onto a programme that lasts more than one academic year, you'll continue to receive a discount for each year you study with us (as detailed in point 2 above), provided you complete the programme within the timeframe permitted in accordance with the University's academic regulations.



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