
The Nurturing Talents Scholarship

特雷巴斯学院   加拿大



CAD 4,000


Not Specified


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Attestation of college studies (AEC)


Audio Visual Studies


Trebas Institute's Scholarship is intended to provide tuition support for prospective students to make quality education more accessible.

This scholarship is available to new students, applying to the following programs at our Toronto Campus:

  • Audio Engineering & Production / DJ Arts

  • Entertainment Management

  • Film & Television Production and Post-Production

This scholarship is available to new students, applying to the following ACS/AEC programs at our Montreal Campus:

  • NWY.1F: Film & Television Production

  • NNC.0V: Sound Design

  • NNC.0E: Music Business Administration


a- Our grants and scholarships are applicable to all our 2021 and 2022 intakes, including January 2023 intake. Note that there may be changes to tuition amounts and/or other fees during the time this application is in effect

b- Failure to maintain the minimum requirement(s) for the scholarship will result in the suspension of disbursements until satisfactory performance is re-established and eligibility is re-approved by Trebas Institute's President

c- Trebas Institute's Nurturing Talents Scholarship recipients are expected to act as ambassadors and participate in outreach and alumni engagement initiatives in their home region for Trebas Institute once the grant is granted.

d- To remain eligible for a scholarship and receive the tuition disbursement students must complete their diploma program within 12 months of starting the program and remain in good academic and financial standing during the time of their disbursements. A scholarship cannot be combined with any other grant or scholarship, it has no cash value and cannot be transferred.



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