
UAL International Postgraduate £5,000 Scholarships

伦敦艺术大学   英国



GBP 5,000




Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


Criteria 1: You must hold an offer to study a full-time, part-time or online taught master's course at one of UAL's Colleges and Institutes.

  • Your course must offer either a Grad Dip, M ARCH, MA, MFA, MRes or MSc qualification.
  • You are not eligible to apply if you already hold a UK postgraduate taught qualification (or one at an equivalent level) from studies undertaken in the UK or abroad.

Criteria 2: You need to qualify for the Overseas category of tuition fee status.

Criteria 3: You have achieved, or are predicted to achieve, an upper second-class honours degree or above at undergraduate level. Recognised equivalent qualifications are also accepted. Please refer to NARIC to check your degree.

  • You will be asked to provide your transcripts as proof of your qualification.
  • If you are yet to receive your results, you will need to provide evidence of your predicted results. When you receive your results, you will need to provide further evidence that you have achieved your predicted grade to be granted the award.

Criteria 4: You must provide a personal statement which responds to the following questions as part of your application (maximum 350 words per question):

  • Describe your background and your academic experience.
  • Describe how receiving a Postgraduate Scholarship would make a difference to you.
  • Tell us how you intend to use the qualification you will be gaining to support your future plans.
  • Confirm any other sources of funding you have, or have applied for, to meet the cost of your studies in the UK.

Criteria 5: You are able to support your application with a satisfactory personal reference from an academic or professional referee. Your reference must be provided in English.



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