
Awarding Scholarships to International Students

爱德华王子岛大学   加拿大



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Fee waiver/discount


Bachelor's Degree


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Entrance scholarships for academic excellence for international students, funded by the University of Prince Edward Island, are awarded annually to international students who join UPEI from high schools in Canada or other countries. The scholarship amounts range from CAN $1,000 to CAN $3,000. The following eligibility criteria apply to the entrance scholarships for academic excellence for international students at UPEI:

Hold a valid Canadian study permit
Demonstrate strong academic performance in high school academic achievement, with converted averages between 90% and 100% (or equivalent GPA), and/or are among the top 5% to 10% of their class rankings
Participate in extracurricular activities and experiences, such as volunteering experiences, tutoring initiatives, sports activities, arts talents, and/or other relevant experiences
Provide strong recommendations from teachers or instructors who have direct experience with students' academic activities and performance
Exhibit strong English language skills, that have prepared students for rigorous academic explorations
Show strong potential for future academic development, leadership, and other areas of contributions to the global society.

The scholarship will be credited to the recipient's UPEI account to be used as part of her/his tuition and fees at UPEI.

Refer to the following chart for Academic Excellence Awards available to second-, third-, and fourth-year undergraduate international students:

Average Guaranteed Scholarships

80.00–84.99 CAN $500
85.00–89.99 CAN $1,000
90.00–94.99 CAN $2,000
95.00–100.00 CAN $3,000



  • 爱德华王子岛大学招生条件是什么?学校特色大盘点_IDP留学
      爱德华王子岛大学是加拿大的一所公立性学校,成立于1969年,学校距夏洛特顿市中心及海滩驱车只要几分钟的路程,交通十分便利,设有文科、商科、教育、工程家庭经济、音乐、理科、医科等多种专业,学生们可以选择的范围很广,那么接下来小编就带着大家一起来了解下爱德华王子岛大学招生条件是什么?学校特色大盘点的相关介绍。  爱德华王子岛大学招生条件  本科:  最低年龄:无明确要求;  学历要求:高中毕业,提交会考成绩
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      近些年,国家为了保护海岛资源环境、支持海岛科学研究及创新,制定了一系列的海洋保护条款,来支持海洋生态文明建设,这也意味着社会将需要更多岛屿研究人才来加入,为此爱德华王子岛大学就开设了岛屿研究硕士专业,下面,就随小编来看看吧,希望对大家有所帮助:  Master of Arts in Island Studies  爱德华王子岛大学的岛屿研究艺术硕士(MAIS)是一个独特的、跨学科的、政策驱动的研究生项目,以岛屿自身的条件进行批评。我们欢迎来自世界各地的不同学科背景和不同学位的学生,或在公共、私营或资源部门拥有专业工作经验的学生。
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      爱德华王子岛大学成立于1969年,是由两所学校合并而成的,共有200多个教职员工教授多种不同的学科,虽然建校时间不算太悠久,但是学校的师资力量比较雄厚,有着十分杰出的教学质量和科研实力,那么接下来小编就带着大家一起来了解下加拿大爱德华王子岛大学留学需要满足什么条件?得有资金证明的相关介绍盘点。  加拿大爱德华王子岛大学留学需要满足什么条件  本科申请条件:  高中毕业,提供高考成绩;或高中毕业,平均分80%以上;
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