
Pathway to Victoria Scholarship

维多利亚大学   澳大利亚



Not Specified


All eligible students


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Bachelors Degree,Masters Degrees,Pathway to UG,Diploma and Advanced Diploma


Not Specified


Eligibility: New offshore international applicants applying to study an English course, Foundation Studies or Higher Education Diploma (pathway course) with a packaged offer into bachelor or master level of study at Victoria University (principal course). Pathway courses must have started after September 2021, and students must enrol in their principal course before the end of 2023. The number of scholarships available is limited.

Terms & conditions

A limited number of Scholarships will be available and are awarded at the sole discretion of the University on a rolling basis.
This Scholarship can be awarded in conjunction with another VU scholarship.
Students who have received a scholarship or sponsorship from another organisation are not eligible for this Scholarship.
Students must accept their full offer within two weeks of the date on the Letter of Offer, and before the Scholarship allocation has been exhausted.
Successful applicants will be notified in their full offer letter. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified.
Students must make satisfactory academic progress and maintain full-time study load in the pathway course, and successfully transition to the principal course and have remained enrolled past the first census date of the principal course before the end of 2023 to remain eligible.



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