
Faculty of Health Teaching Assistant Award

滑铁卢大学   加拿大



CAD 500


Not Specified


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Master's Degree,Doctoral Degree (Doctorate/Ph.D.)


Health Sciences


Any current graduate student in the Faculty of Health who serves, or has served, as a teaching assistant (TA) within the current academic year is eligible.
Nominations may come from instructors, students, and other teaching assistants. Simply fill out the brief nomination form to tell us why they were such a terrific teaching assistant. Please provide specific examples that illustrate the candidate's exceptional teaching quality.

How did they demonstrate a strong commitment to the overall learning, academic, and personal growth of students?
How did they exhibit clear communication skills during tutorials, labs, and/or office hours?
How did they demonstrate intellectual rigour, enthusiasm, and integrity?
How they positively influence students?
How did they demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of students?
How did they contribute to high-quality teaching and student learning (e.g., through tutorials, guest lectures, or in one-on-one meetings with students)?

If you have any questions before nominating a candidate you can contact a Faculty of Health Teaching Fellow.

The current Faculty of Health Teaching Fellows team will select the winners. In the event that a teaching fellow has submitted a nomination for their own teaching assistant, they shall recuse themselves from the process and will be replaced by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, or a suitable alternate.

Award description:

Up to one Faculty of Health Teaching Assistant Award valued at CAN $500 will be offered in each of the School of Public Health Sciences, Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences, and Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies per term.



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