
Global Masters Scholarship

伯明翰大学   英国



GBP 10,000




Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


All taught Masters programmes are eligible for this scholarship, with the exception of programmes in the Birmingham Business School, for which there are separate MSc and MBA scholarships on offer.

In order to be eligible, candidates must meet the following requirements. Candidates must:

  • Have received, and accepted, an offer of admission for a taught Masters degree at the University of Birmingham UK Campus to study in the 2022/23 academic year.
  • Be classed as ‘domiciled' in one of the eligible countries.
  • Be classed by the University as an overseas fee payer for tuition fee purposes.
  • Start their studies at the University on a course delivered on-campus.
  • Have paid the standard £2,000 Admissions deposit
  • Be academically exceptional and able to provide evidence for this in the scholarship application statement. Candidates should have, or be expecting to achieve, a first class overall grade (at least 70% in the UK system) in a bachelors degree or equivalent.

For example, we consider a UK first class degree to be equivalent to the following grading systems in the US, India, Nigeria and China:

3.5 out of 4.0 and above in the US GPA system.
70% in the Indian grading system
3.5 (out of 4.0) or 4.5 (out of 5.0) or 6.2 (out of 7.0) in the Nigerian grading system
85% grade awarded by a top tier Chinese University, 90% grade awarded by a mid-tier Chinese University

Students in receipt of a full scholarship or sponsorship covering full tuition fees from an alternative internal or external source are not eligible for this scholarship. Those with other partial awards may be able to conjoin this scholarship with other scholarships.



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      伯明翰大学位于英国第二大城市,伯明翰作为世界一流研究型大学,武汉大学开设了多个学院,在文科和法律学院可申请语言艺术史等专业,国际学生也可申请生命与环境科学学院、医学与牙医科学学院等。伯明翰大学凭借高质量和多领域的研究得到了世界的认可,不少学子纷纷选择去这所学校深造。伯明翰大学的申请条件都有什么?今天小编就向大家做简单的回答,以供各位学子思考。  伯明翰大学的申请条件都有什么  一、本科申请条件  1、学术要求
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      在主要的国家当中,英国的热度是非常高的,这得益于英国有悠久的教育传统,有领先于世界的教育体系。可能有许多学生听说过伯明翰大学,该校是一个公立学校,1900年获得了皇家特许状,是罗素大学集团、全球大学高研院联盟的重要成员。2024QS世界大学排行第84名,所以可见这所学校的实力有多么强大。部分学子已经申请了该校,伯明翰大学多久给offer?一起来看一下下文的回答。  伯明翰大学多久给offer  伯明翰大学多久给offer?据了解,伯明翰大学一般4周-8周发放offer,一般情况下,越早申请,效率也就越高,出结果就会越快。学校会给不符合要求的学生发一封拒信,拒绝的主要原因有学生本身条件达不到学校录取要求,不了解学校或专业错投的;文书写作失败;申请材料和信息准备不符合要求;“滚动录取”已经录满了。
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