
Massey University Doctoral Scholarship

梅西大学   新西兰



NZD 90,000




01 April 2023


Fee waiver/discount


Doctoral Degree


PPE (Philosopy, Politics, Economics)


Please note: New Zealand borders remain closed to foreign nationals due to the Covid 19 pandemic. As a result the 1 October 2021 selection round is not open to international students who are currently based offshore. Domestic and onshore international applicants are welcome to apply.

The expectation is that recipients of the Doctoral Scholarship will enrol in their doctoral study no later than 1 March for October selection recipients and 1 August for April selection recipients.

The Massey University Doctoral Scholarship is available to full-time and part-time candidates enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych) or Doctor of Social Work (DSW). There are also named scholarships for Māori and Pacific doctoral candidates. This is a scholarship for a stipend plus fees. The prestigious Massey University Vice-Chancellor's Doctoral Scholarship is awarded to the highest ranked applicants in the October closing round. Both full-time and part-time domestic students will be considered for this scholarship.

We're looking for students with a record of high academic achievement who are undertaking doctoral research of strategic importance.

This is a postgraduate scholarship. You will have an admission offer of place for doctoral study or be in the provisional registration year (pre-confirmation) of your doctoral study.

When choosing our recipient, we will consider your academic achievements along with the alignment of your research to the strategic priorities of the University, College and research supervisor(s).


You should:

  • be enrolled or be eligible to to enrol in doctoral study at Massey University
  • have a GPA of 7.0 or higher
  • be researching a topic of strategic value to the University
  • agree to the conditions of the scholarship as outlined in the scholarship regulations


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