Australian Language Schools
Education and social justice教育和社会公正evaluating ESOL classroom practice评估ESOL课堂实践Identity and foreign language,teaching外语教学International perspectives on language education国际视角的语言教育Psychology of language and language,learning语言心理学与语言学习Science, education and society科学,教育与社会Teaching and learning in schools学校的教学与学习Theories
The school is the only school in Saskatchewan that offers Latin and German as a second foreign language,The school is known as one of the best university prep schools in Western Canada.
阿伯丁大学丰富的院系设置商学院Business School包含商科专业艺术和社会科学学院Schools incorporating the Arts and Social Sciences神学、历史与哲学,Divinity, History and Philosophy教育Education语言、文学、音乐与视觉文化Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture,法学Law社会科学Social Science生命科学和医学学院Schools incorporating the Life Sciences and Medicine生物科学Biological Sciences,药学、医学科学和营养学Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition心理学Psychology物理科学学院Schools incorporating the Physical
约克大学教育学分类有哪些MA Applied Linguistics for English Language TeachingMA Teaching English to Speakers of Other,Languages以上两个专业都要求相关专业背景,如英语、语言学或以英语为主的教育学科;雅思7.0/6.0MA Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching语言、,约克大学教育学课程设置核心课程Teaching and Learning in Schools学校的教与学Theories of Learning and Development学习与发展的理论Research,Education教育中的跨文化交流Gender, Sexuality and Education性别、性与教育Higher Education in the 21st Century21世纪的高等教育Language
周的语言班是针对那种已经拿到无条件offer的申请人;课程结构——该课程是需要在一个学年内拿到180个学分,学分课程由核心课程和选修课程组成;核心课程:· Teaching and Learning in Schools,Education (性别,性取向与教育)· Higher Education in the 21st Century (21世纪的高等教育)· Testing and Assessment in English Language,Teaching (英语教学的测试与评估)· Language and Power (语言与力量)职业发展——教育,新闻媒体,人力资源,信息管理等方面都可以寻求好的发展。
abroad at Royal Christian School◆ The proportion of Chinese students studying abroad is small, and the language,The school was ranked in the top 10% of similar schools in British Columbia in 2005 by the Fraser Institute,The school provides professional ESL language courses for international students, and international students
Gender, and Disability in American Education美国教育中的种族、阶级、性别和残疾*胡同学卡内基梅隆大学电子计算机工程成功案例ED447 Disability and Schools,的理论和实践EDU463 Implementing Innovation in Foreign Languages and ESOL Education实施外语和外语教育的创新ED480 Second Language
This will create a good language environment for international students. , The teaching ability is very,Different from other private schools, they use the school's own library, fitness center and other facilities
Methodology and Statistics、Atypical Development、Cognitive Development and Learning、Developmental Psychology、Language,Introduction to Educational Inquiry、Dissertation、Addressing Controversial Issues in Education、Assessment in Schools,to Diversity and Inclusion、Dissertation、Addressing Controversial Issues in Education、Assessment in Schools
化学墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)莫纳什大学(Monash University)悉尼大学(The University of Sydney)澳大利亚国立大学(Australian,Sciences 环境科学昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales)澳大利亚国立大学(Australian,Sydney)西澳大学(The University of Western Australia)格里菲斯大学(Griffith University)5、 Geography 地理学澳大利亚国立大学(Australian,University)科廷大学(Curtin University)格里菲斯大学(Griffith University)麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)19 English Language,and Literature 英语语言文学悉尼大学(The University of Sydney)墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)澳大利亚国立大学(Australian
英国约克大学教育专业课程核心课程:Teaching and Learning in Schools (20 credits)学校教学Theories of Learning and Development,and Learning Citizenship and Global Education (20 credits)教与学公民与全球教育Testing and Assessment in English Language
Motivation in Eucation (20 creits)教育动机Social Justice an Eucation (20 creits)社会公正与教育Teaching an Learning in Schools,creits)种族,差异,公正和平等Exploring Citizenship an Social Justice Through Literature (20 creits)通过文学探索公民身份和社会正义Language