Founded in 1949, Crandall University is Atlantic Canada’s leading independent Liberal Arts University rooted in the Christian faith. It offers a private university education with a focus on small classes, rigorous instruction, excellent faculty and a highly able peer group. The University offers degrees in the Arts, Business, Science, Education and Organizational Management.
Crandall University has become known for its academic excellence and the integrity of its graduates. With the increasing number of degree programs and the abilities of its faculty members, the reputation of the University continues to grow. As part of the path to understanding and application, students experience dynamic chapel services, individually-tailored service learning in the Crandall Community Practicum program, and specialized course assignments and readings. The university also offer varsity Men’s Soccer, Women’s Soccer, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Cross Country and a variety of intramural club sports, such as hockey and volleyball.
Situated on a picturesque, 200-acre site in beautiful Moncton, New Brunswick, Crandall’s campus offers a welcoming atmosphere, a commitment to students, academic excellence and a commitment to the Christian faith. Its state of the art facilities are designed to facilitate not only classroom learning but also provide places for friends to converse, study together, or share a snack or meal together.