博文约礼;Broadening one's intellectual horizon and keeping within the bounds of propriety
香港中文大学(The Chinese University of Hong Kong),简称中大、港中大(CUHK),是一所享誉国际的公立研究型综合大学,在人文学科、数学、计算机科学、经济与金融、医学、法律、传媒、地理等领域堪称学术重镇,也是香港唯一同时拥有诺贝尔奖、菲尔兹奖、图灵奖、拉斯克奖及香农奖得主任教的大学。学校以“结合传统与现代,融会中国与西方”为使命,以灵活学分制、书院制、中英兼重和多元文化为特色,是环太平洋大学联盟、世界大学联盟、松联盟、中国大学校长联谊会成员,亚洲首家AACSB认证成员,香港互联网交换中心所在地。
香港中文大学(The Chinese University of Hong Kong),简称中大、港中大(CUHK),是一所享誉国际的公立研究型综合大学,在人文学科、数学、计算机科学、经济与金融、医学、法律、传媒、地理等领域堪称学术重镇,也是香港唯一同时拥有诺贝尔奖、菲尔兹奖、图灵奖、拉斯克奖及香农奖得主任教的大学。学校以“结合传统与现代,融会中国与西方”为使命,以灵活学分制、书院制、中英兼重和多元文化为特色,是环太平洋大学联盟、世界大学联盟、松联盟、中国大学校长联谊会成员,亚洲首家AACSB认证成员,香港互联网交换中心所在地。
Reasearch Center
Humanities Research Center of Humanities Research Institute ;
Human value research center ;
Comparative Ancient Research Center;
Comparative Urban Culture Research Center;
Taiwan Research Center ;
Islamic Centre for Cultrual Studies;
Research Center of Ming and Qing Dynasties;
Liang Baoquan Hongkong history and Humanities Research Center;
Zheng Chenglong foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology ;
Institute for the study of human transmission ;
Institute of brain and cognition ;
Research Center of Chinese Archaeology and art, Chinese Culture Research Institute
China Research Service Center ;
Cultural Relics Museum ;
Wu and the Chinese Language Research Center;
Contemporary Chinese Culture Research Center ;
Liu Dianjue research center of Chinese ancient books;
Translation Research Center ;
Functional film materials research center, Chinese University Hong Kong, Shenzhen Institute of advanced integrated technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Institute of traditional Chinese Medicine;
Joint Laboratory for Earth Information Science, space and Earth Information Science Research Institute ;
Satellite Remote Sensing Research Center;
Institute of cardiovascular medicine ;
Future city Research Institute ;
Biological science and Technology Research Institute ;
Optoelectronics Research Center, Institute of Optical Science and technology
Optical research center ;
Liu Zuode Institute for global economic and financial research;
Li Jiacheng Institute of Health Sciences ;
Lv Zhihe Innovative Medical Research Institute;
China financial development and Reform Research Center of Asia Pacific Business and Industry Research Institute ;
Corporate Governance Center;
Marketing Engineering Center ;
Family business research center ;
Aviation Policy Research Center ;
Hotel, tourism and real estate research center;
International Business Research Center ;
Center for business innovation and Globalization;
Entrepreneurship Research Center ;
Centre for economic and financial research ;
Asia supply chain and Logistics Institute Logistics Technology and supply chain optimization Center ;
Supply chain and logistics management research and Development Center;
Supply chain management and Logistics Research Center Supply Chain Management Research Center;
Office of knowledge transfer;
Internet Logistics Research Center;
Supply chain integration and Service Innovation Center;
Biomedical Engineering Research Center of Engineering Research Institute;
Renewable energy engineering research category ;
Multimedia Engineering Research Center ;
The Jockey Club of Chinese University Hong Kong Institute of Gerontology ;
Hongkong Institute of integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine ;
Hongkong Asia Pacific Research Institute of China city residential research center;
China Family Research Center ;
Civil Society Research Center ;
Public Policy Research Center ;
Center for quality of life research;
Center for gender studies ;
Global China Research Program;
Centre for social and political development;
Center for urban and regional development ;
Intenational Affairs Research Center ;
Center for Economic Research ;
Hongkong Education Research Institute Hongkong Education Leadership Development Center;
Putonghua Education Research and Development Centre;
Learning science and Technology Center ;
International assessment program for students' abilities - Hongkong Center ;
Hongkong Institute of diabetes and obesity ;
Hongkong Cancer Research Institute ;
Digestive Disease Research Institute He Shanheng gastrointestinal health center;
Chinese University Hong Kong Jockey Club colorectal cancer education center ;
Institute of theoretical physics ;
Institute of computer science and communication science;
Shenzhen Research Institute ;
Institute of plant molecular biology and Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of education excellence in the field of plant and Agricultural Biotechnology Center
Institute of Precision Engineering ;
Network Coding Research Institute ;
Institute of Mathematical Sciences ;
Institute of environment, energy and sustainable development, Chinese University Hong Kong, Jockey Club of the earth Conservation Action Office;