Discover English
澳大利亚探索英语学校 (Discover English) 是一家位于澳大利亚东南部墨尔本的专业语言学院。本校成立于 2010 年,提供全套的通用及重点英语学习项目,例如商务英语及学术英语。本校也提供备考课程和可选的业余时间教学。本校为澳洲英语 (English Australia) 的正式成员,所
任选其一:Anglais EAE4U;English ENG4U;Studies in Literature ETS4U2.,任选其一:Anglais EAE4U;English ENG4U;Studies in Literature ETS4U2.,以下学科领域的课程再任选其二:Humanities, Languages other than English, Math/Sciences4.,任选其一:Anglais EAE4U;English ENG4U;Studies in Literature ETS4U2.,, Languages other than English, Math/Sciences4.
学术英语课程(Academic English)雷丁大学语言中心ISLI能够免费为在读学生提供学术英语课程及辅导,通过提升语言能力帮助他们更好地理解和学习学位课程。,语言直升班(Pre-session English)具体来说,语言直升班培养学生两大方面的能力,一个是学术英语技能,如涉及学术essays及考试相关的写作技能,涉及学术性书籍及刊物的阅读技能,有关于学术讲座或学术性研讨的听力及口语,TEEP是雷丁大学语言中心自行开发的一套语言能力测评体系,包含5个考核项目,具体内容如下:考核项目时长题型:语言知识25分钟多项选择题阅读理解35分钟根据学术性文章进行问题填空听力25分钟根据学术性讲座进行问题填空写作,MA Applied LinguisticsPhD Applied LinguisticsMRes Applied LinguisticsMA EducationMA English Language,学术英语课程(Academic English)2. 语言直升班(Pre-session English)该课程的学制分为6周,9周,11周,19周,30周以及41周,具体根据学生的雅思成绩而定。
美国英语语言与文学就业前景在美国大学,英语语言与文学专业的学习不是只关注某种语言本身,如词汇、语法和文章结构等,而是把语言作为切入点,进一步研究各国的文 化、文学、艺术、政治、历史、宗教、社会和经济等。,美国英语语言文学专业研究方向英语语言文学(English Language and Literature)属于外国语言文学下的一个学科,主要的专业研究方向包括:英国文学、美国文学、西方文论、西方文化研究,英语语言文学内容包括:古代文学(Old English literature): 450–1100中世纪文学(Middle English literature): 1100–1500文艺复兴时期文学(,English Renaissance): 1500–1660新古典主义文学(Neo-Classical Period): 1660–179819世纪文学(19th-century literature,):浪漫主义文学与维多利亚时代文学20世纪初期文学English literature since 1901:二次世界大战以上就是小编整理的美国英语语言与文学专业就业前景和研究方向等相关信息。
语言与交流,心理学雅思:7,单项不低于6.5PTE:69,单项不低于62托福:100,写作25,其余不低于23CAE:185,单项不低于176英国伦敦国王学院TESOL硕士专业课程1.选修课7SSEE003 English,):英国教学移民(15学分)7SSEE004 Language Assessment (15 credits) 语言评估(15学分)7SSEE007 Materials Development in English,) 数字ELT课堂(15学分)7SSEE0019 Interculturality and Culture in ELT (15 credits) 英语教学文化间性和文化(15学分)7SSEE022 English,学术用途英语(15学分)2.必修课7SSEE020 Language Teaching Methodology (30 credits) 语言教学方法(30学分)7SSEE021 Analysing English
Academic (线下认可的考试中心)•语言证书国际ESOL (在线或线下测试) LanguageCert ESOL (Online or Paper-based)•多邻国(只能用于配读语言课)Duolingo English,Test-Online Test (Pre-sessional English only)•剑桥英语语言评估 Cambridge English Language Assessment•KITE在线英语测试,Kaplan International Tools forEnglish Online English Test•伦敦三一学院 ISE II&III•IELCA (国际英语语言能力评估)•中国学生的英语专业
英国爱丁堡大学英语语言专业课程1.选修课:Current Issues in Phonology音韵学的当前问题Current Issues in Syntax当前语法问题Diachronic Linguistics历时语言学English,形态学概论Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics语义学与语用学导论Sociolinguistic Research Design社会语言学研究设计Middle English,中古英语Pragmatics语用学Reading Old English阅读古英语2.必修课:Introduction to Language Research语言研究导论Introduction to,Phonology音韵学导论Introduction to Syntax语法概论History of the English Language英语史英国爱丁堡大学英语语言专业介绍这个密课程将使你更深入地了解英语的语音
This will allow students to have sufficient time to purchase the school’s uniform, write the English,that allow us to adapt the learning experience to meet the needs of each student.ESL PROGRAMUnique English,as a Second Language (ESL) courses to prepare students for the regular BC English courses.TRIMESTER
applications may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.Include a copy of your transcripts (school records) in English,The records must be in English. If translated into English, they must be notarized.
changes.(2) For students who are currently studying in a local Canadian school must arrange to write the English,above all else to provide the student with the high quality of education you expect.Formal Assessment (English,We offer students the opportunity to take English and other courses at the various grade levels (starting,Some background in music theory is also a benefit.Q: What is the minimum level of English required to,These students are also strongly recommended to join Mentor College in the summer to take the English
79 (with minimum of 13 in Reading, 12 in Listening, 18 in Speaking and 21 in Writing)Pearson Test of English,(Academic) (PTE (A)): minimum score of 58 (with no communication band less than 50)· Cambridge English,(Academic) (PTE (A)): minimum score of 58 (with no communication band less than 50)Cambridge English,(Academic) (PTE (A)): minimum score of 58 (with no communication band less than 50)Cambridge English,(Academic) (PTE (A)): minimum score of 58 (with no communication band less than 50)Cambridge English
雅思要求:总分6.5,写作6昆士兰大学翻译专业课程Part ACHIN7100 2 Translation Skills & Practice (English and Chinese) 笔译技巧与实践,(英语和中文)CHIN7110 2 Interpreting Skills & Practice (English and Mandarin) 口译技巧与实践(英语和普通话)CHIN7130 2 Theoretical,Language Consolidation for Translation & Interpreting PurposesCHIN7140 2 Professional Translation (English,and Chinese) 专业笔译(英语和汉语)CHIN7150 2 Professional Interpreting (English and Mandarin) 专业口译(英语和普通话)CHIN7170,Translation and Interpreting for Science, Engineering and Technology 工程和技术的笔译和口译CHIN7555 2 Chinese > English
安省高中生申请条件:- 必修课:4U English4U Calculus and Vectors4U Physics4U Chemistry- 建议申请均分:*工程类专业过去3年的录取最低均分参考下图,安省高中生申请条件:- 必修课:4U English4U Calculus and Vectors;两门4U生物、4U化学或4U物理另外两门12年级U/M核心课- 建议申请均分:*理学类各个类别专业过去,安省高中生申请条件:- 最低录取均分范围:94.9% - 96.5%*数学和科学类课程录取最低分数范围:87% - 92%- 必修课:4U English4U Calculus and Vectors;,安省高中生申请条件:- 最低录取均分范围:94.9% - 96.5%*数学和科学类课程录取最低分数范围:87% - 92%- 必修课:4U English4U Calculus and Vectors两门,of Science- 最低录取均分范围:94.9% - 96.5%*数学和科学类课程录取最低分数范围:87% - 92%- 必修课:4U English4U Calculus and Vectors