Global Village
澳洲哪些大学的商科研究生专业好一、悉尼大学商学院特色专业:Global Executive MBA(全球执行工商管理硕士)Master of Commerce(商业硕士)硕士申请要求:1.,有的专业需要相关背景或者读过某些科目,或者工作经验(例如Global Executive MBA 需要十年工作经验)二、墨尔本大学商学院特色专业:Master of Management(管理硕士)Master
阿伯丁大学环境管理专业核心课程1 全球土壤地理学 Global Soil Geography2 环境科学核心技能 Core Skills for Environmental Sciences3 环境污染
英国留学大气科学学校推荐l London's Global University 伦敦大学学院Department:UCL Department of Geography项目名称:Climate Change
Politics and Communication·MSc Social and Public Communication·MSc Strategic Communications·Double MSc Global,Media and Communications (with Fudan)·Double MSc Global Media and Communications (with UCT)·Double MSc,Global Media and Communications (with USC)申请要求:1、均分:985院校85+,211院校90+;2、学术背景:学媒体与传播,新闻,社科类等专业学生申请;3、,相关专业:·MA Global Media Industries·MA Digital Asset & Media Management·MA Digital Culture & Society·MA,相关专业:·Arts, Enterprise and Development·Creative and Media Enterprise·Global Media and Communication·International
南安普顿大学全球媒体管理硕士专业课程Professional and Academic Skills 1专业和学术技能1Critical Media Practice批判媒体实践Global Media,Cultures数字文化Entrepreneurship创业Experimental Publishing实验出版Exploring the Visual Language of Display探索展示的视觉语言Global,Marketing全球营销Visual Culture视觉文化Global Media 2: Industries and Technologies全球媒体2:产业与技术Final Project (,Global Media Management)最终项目(全球媒体管理)南安普顿大学全球媒体管理硕士专业介绍互联网,社交网络和移动媒体正在改变新闻,娱乐和通信的生产和消费方式。
课程设置这个专业的课程设置主要有:Legal Research Skills and Methods、Dissertation、Foundations of Public International Law、Global,Property Law、Globalisation, Brands and Business Organisation、International Human Rights and Development: Global,Changes、International Commercial Dispute Resolution、Challenges in International Trade Law: Global Systems,Contemporary Problems of International Law and International Dispute Settlement、The Movement of Persons in a Global
蒙纳士大学国际研究本科接受高考成绩直升本科大一,要求如下:学院专业高考成绩国际研究Bachelor of Global Studies70%Bachelor of Global Studies,and Bachelor of Information Technology70%Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Global Studies70%Bachelor,of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Global Studies80%Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Global Studies70%,此外,除了高考成绩之外,学生还需要提供语言成绩,以雅思为例总分要达到6.5分部分专业申请条件:Bachelor of Global Studies该课程将学习如何批判性地分析文化和社区面临的全球挑战,并制定创新的解决方案
本专业必修课程· Health Systems in a Global Context· Economic Evaluation in Health Care· Statistics for Health,Decision Science· Bayesian Methods in Health Economics· Health Economics· The Social Determinants of Global,Health· Concepts and Controversies in Global Health· Climate Change and Health· Medical Statistics II,· Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Global Health Policy· Research Methods and Evidence for Global,Ethics· Conflict, Humanitarianism and Health· Mental Health in a Social and Global Context· Health and
课程设置这个专业的课程设置主要有:Mathematics for modellers、Introduction to R for modellers、Medical Statistics、Foundations in Global,Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases、Model communication、Spatial analysis of public health data、Global,听力7、阅读7、写作7、口语7),托福110(听力22、阅读24、写作24、口语25)4、国际卫生与热带医学理学硕士1)课程设置这个专业的课程设置主要有:Paradigms and Tools for Global,Health、Challenges and Change in International Health、Global Health Research and Practice、Case Studies
Politics of International Law 国际法政治Contemporary Ethnic Conflict 当代民族冲突Europeanisation 欧洲化The Politics of Global,Migration 全球移民的政治Contemporary Global Security 当代全球安全2.必修课Core modulesTheory and Practice of International,国际关系论文Plus one of the following modules: 再从以下模块选择一门:The Politics of International Law 国际法政治Contemporary Global,Security 当代全球安全Global Governance 全球治理Global Justice 全球正义Research Methods in Politics 政治研究方法Philosophy,politics 人权和全球政治International security and global politics 国际安全和全球政治Institutions and policies of the
接下来,就随小编来看看吧,希望对大家有所帮助:Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management南加州大学全球供应链管理理学硕士课程为您在供应链管理中日益全球化,ProgramDSO 547: Designing Spreadsheet-Based Business ModelsDSO 549: Application of Lean Six SigmaDSO 557a: Global,Supply Chain Management in International SettingsDSO 557b: Global Supply Chain Management in International,Online Executive ProgramDSO 520: Logistics ManagementDSO 549: Application of Lean Six SigmaDSO 557a: Global,Supply Chain Management in International SettingsDSO 557b: Global Supply Chain Management in International
澳洲食品科学专业名校推荐1、阿德莱德大学该校的食品科学专业有:1) 全球食品和农业企业 Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business录取要求:学制2年,,92000澳元年,1月或5月或9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福79(听力13、阅读13、写作21、口语18),PTE 58(听力50、阅读50、写作50、口语50)核心课程:Global,Food and Agricultural Markets 、Global Food and Agricultural Policy Analysis、Trends and Issues in the,Engineering、Food Microbiology and Safety、Food Nutrition and Health、Customer-based Innovation、Challenges in Global