Scientia imperii decus et tutamen; 科学是帝国的光辉和守护者
帝国理工学院位于伦敦西部,主校区位于Kensington,另一个校区在Berkshire的Ascot。帝国理工一贯在英国各种大学排名中名列五强。综合各种大学排名数据,尽管帝国理工是专攻科学的大学,它仍然能够占据综合排名前五的位置,同时排在许多工程和医学院排名的三甲。通常被认为是英国最严格的大学,它授予一等学位的比例和每年的淘汰率都十分引人瞩目,尽管它是英国入学标准最高的大学之一,以工程、医科专业而著名。 帝国理工学院不仅在欧洲,在全世界也一直是声名远扬的。帝国理工学院拥有大约2800名研究人员,其中73名为皇家科学院院士[1] (Fellow of Royal Society),78名皇家医学院院士(Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences),84名为皇家工程学院院士(Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering),其中包括机械工程系中国教授林建国和生物医学工程中心主任杨广中教授 。同时,帝国理工过去的成员中,有15个诺贝尔奖和2个费尔兹奖得主,拥有傲人的科研成绩。
学校坐落于于伦敦标准的富人区--南肯辛顿,与著名的海德公园、肯辛顿宫(戴安娜王妃生前住处)仅咫尺之遥。这里的博物馆值得一去,很多大型超市也可步行到达。帝国理工学院的建筑风格有着典型的折衷派风格,集古典与现代为一体。另外,由于帝国理工学院地处伦敦,周边交通自然通达。很多地方都有公交站点,学生到伦敦市中心有夜车,步行至South Kensington and Gloucester Road地铁站只需5-10分钟。另外,帝国理工学院的校园基础设施十分完善,图书馆、就业服务中心、运动中心、医院一应俱全,但每个学院的福利系统都有一些细微的差别。总的来说,每个学生在各自的学院内都会分配到一名私人辅导员(有时还会配备一个学业辅导员),很多由学生组织的学院社团也会开展一些活动,为新生找到密友。所有学院都有学生的学业代表,参与职工-学生大会,对在读学生的照顾可谓细致入微。英国教育界有 “三足鼎立”的说法,认为文科最好的院校是牛津,理科最好的是剑桥,工科则非伦敦帝国学院莫属了。
帝国理工学院位于伦敦西部,主校区位于Kensington,另一个校区在Berkshire的Ascot。帝国理工一贯在英国各种大学排名中名列五强。综合各种大学排名数据,尽管帝国理工是专攻科学的大学,它仍然能够占据综合排名前五的位置,同时排在许多工程和医学院排名的三甲。通常被认为是英国最严格的大学,它授予一等学位的比例和每年的淘汰率都十分引人瞩目,尽管它是英国入学标准最高的大学之一,以工程、医科专业而著名。 帝国理工学院不仅在欧洲,在全世界也一直是声名远扬的。帝国理工学院拥有大约2800名研究人员,其中73名为皇家科学院院士[1] (Fellow of Royal Society),78名皇家医学院院士(Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences),84名为皇家工程学院院士(Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering),其中包括机械工程系中国教授林建国和生物医学工程中心主任杨广中教授 。同时,帝国理工过去的成员中,有15个诺贝尔奖和2个费尔兹奖得主,拥有傲人的科研成绩。
学校坐落于于伦敦标准的富人区--南肯辛顿,与著名的海德公园、肯辛顿宫(戴安娜王妃生前住处)仅咫尺之遥。这里的博物馆值得一去,很多大型超市也可步行到达。帝国理工学院的建筑风格有着典型的折衷派风格,集古典与现代为一体。另外,由于帝国理工学院地处伦敦,周边交通自然通达。很多地方都有公交站点,学生到伦敦市中心有夜车,步行至South Kensington and Gloucester Road地铁站只需5-10分钟。另外,帝国理工学院的校园基础设施十分完善,图书馆、就业服务中心、运动中心、医院一应俱全,但每个学院的福利系统都有一些细微的差别。总的来说,每个学生在各自的学院内都会分配到一名私人辅导员(有时还会配备一个学业辅导员),很多由学生组织的学院社团也会开展一些活动,为新生找到密友。所有学院都有学生的学业代表,参与职工-学生大会,对在读学生的照顾可谓细致入微。英国教育界有 “三足鼎立”的说法,认为文科最好的院校是牛津,理科最好的是剑桥,工科则非伦敦帝国学院莫属了。
1.Nobel Prize
1979年 |SALAM, Abdus| Nobel Prize in Physics,(诺贝尔物理奖);
1973年 |WILKINSON, Sir Geoffrey| Nobel Prize in Chemistry,(诺贝尔化学奖);
1972年| PORTER, Rodney Robert| Nobel Prize in Medicine(诺贝尔生理学或医学奖)
2.Research Center
Adaptive Emergent Systems Engineering;
Adhesion and Adhesives;
Advanced Hackspace;
Aerial Robotics Lab;
Aerospace materials and structures;
Agriculture for Impact;
Airway Disease;
Albrecht Group (The);
Algebra and Algebraic Combinatorics;
Anaesthesia, sleep and pain;
Anaesthetics, Pain Medicine and Intensive Care;
Analysis, Engineering, Systems & Optimisation of Performance;
Anglian Water Strategic Partnership;
Antimicrobial Research Collaborative;
Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (ACCA);
Applied and Numerical Analysis;
Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics;
Applied Mechanics;
Applied Modelling and Computation Group;
Astrophysics Group;
AVIC Centre for Materials Characterisation, Processing and Modelling;
AVIC Centre for Structural Design and Manufacture;
Bacterial pathogenesis;
Basins Research Group;
Bayesian Methods and Computation;
Beta Cell Genome Regulation Laboratory;
Bio-Driven Chemical Engineering;
Bio-inspired Technology (Centre for);
Bio-inspired VLSI circuits and systems;
Biofluid and biocontinuum mechanics and modeling;
Biofluids and Transport;
Bioinformatics Support Service;
Biological control systems laboratory;
Biological Networks;
Biological Physics;
Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory;
Biologically inspired computer vision;
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering;
Biomathematics Group;
Biomechanics (Bioengineering);
Biomechanics (Mechanical Engineering);
Biomedical Engineering (Institute of);
Biomedical Flows;
Biomedical Image Analysis;
Biomedical sensors;
Biophysics of hearing and sensory neuroscience;
Biopolymer Mass Spectrometry;
Biosurgery and Surgical Technology;
Blast Injury Studies (Centre for);
Bluff Bodies and Vortex Flows;
Braddock Group;
Brain Sciences;
Brazil Forum;
Brevan Howard Centre for Financial Analsysis;
British Heart Foundation Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine Centre;
British Heart Foundation Centre for Research Excellence;
Cancer Research UK Imperial Centre;
Carbon Capture and Storage (Centre for);
Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit (BRU);
Cardiovascular Sciences;
Cell and developmental biology;
Cell-matrix mechanobiology and mechano-adaptation
Cellular and molecular bioengineering;
Cellular and molecular biomechanics laboratory;
Centre for Advanced Structural Ceramics;
Centre for Complement & Inflammation Research (CCIR);
Centre for Health Policy;
Centre for Infection Prevention and Management (CIPM);
Centre for Integrative Systems Biology;
Centre for International Child Health;
Centre for Respiratory Infection;
Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation;
Centre for Systems Oncology and Cancer Innovation;
Ceramics and Glasses;
CFM-Imperial Institute of Quantitative Finance;
Chadderton Lab;
Circuits and Systems;
Circulatory fluid mechanics;
Classification and Data Mining;
Clean Energy Processes;
Clean Fossil and Bioenergy Research Group;
Clinical Cardiology;
Clinical Genome Informatics;
Clinical Histopathology;
Clinical Phenotyping Centre;
Cold Matter (Centre for);
Communication and Signal Processing;
Complex Multiphase Systems;
Complexity Science (Centre for);
Composite Structural Power Storage for Hybrid Vehicles;
Composites Centre (The);
Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre;
Computational and Systems Medicine;
Computational Biology;
Computational Logic and Argumentation;
Computational Materials Science Group;
Computational methods and mathematical modelling;
Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (Centre for);
Computational Neurodynamics Group;
Computational Optimisation Group
Computational Photochemistry Group;
Computational Structural Mechanics;
Concrete Durability;
Condensed Matter Theory Group;
Control and Power;
Controlled Quantum Dynamics;
Core Carbonate Group;
Craig Group;
The Crick (Francis Crick Institute);
Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering (Centre for);
Custom Computing;
Dallman Lab;
Data Science Institute;
Deformation and Fracture of Polymers and Composites;
Design Engineering;
Detection, Devices, Design;
Developmental biomechanics;
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism;
Diagnostic Haematology and Morphology;
Digital City Exchange;
Digital Economy Lab;
Discovery Sciences;
Disease Prevention;
Distributed Software Engineering;
Dr Foster Unit;
Durrant Group (The);
Dynamic Networks;
Dynamical Systems;
Dyson Robotics Lab;
Díez-González Group;
Earth and Planets;
Ecosystems and the environment;
Edel Group;
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Network;
Electrochemical Engineering;
Electrochemical Science and Engineering;
Electron Microscopy Centre;
Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine;
Energy Business Research Lab;
Energy Futures Lab;
Energy Materials;
Energy Policy and Technology (Centre for);
Energy, Environment, Modelling and Minerals;
Energy/Sustainability Driven Chemical Engineering;
Engineering Alloys;
Engineering Geomatics Group (ICEGG);
Engineering Secure Software Systems;
Enterprise Research Centre;
Entrepreneurship Hub;
Environmental and Water Resource Engineering;
Environmental Control and Waste Management (Centre for);
Environmental Epidemiology and Small Area Health Statistics;
Environmental Policy (Centre for);
Epidemiology and Biostatistics;
Epidemiology, Public Health and Primary Care;
EPSRC National Service for Computational Chemistry Software;
Evolutionary biology;
Exact Computation;
Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC);
Experimental Medicine;
Experimental Medicine and Toxicology;
Experimental Software Systems;
Experimental Solid State Physics Group;
FILM - Facility for Imaging by Light Microscopy;
Flow and Dynamics of Soft Matter;
Flow Control;
Flow Science and Engineering;
Fluid Dynamics Group;
Fluid Mechanics (Aeronautics);
Fluid Mechanics (Civil Eng);
Francis Crick Institute (The);
Fuchter Group (The);
Fuel Cell Network;
Functional Materials;
Genomics of Common Disease;
Geodynamics: Core to Surface;
Geometric Modelling and Manufacturing;
George Britovsek Laboratory;
Glycobiology Training, Research and Infrastructure Centre;
Glycosciences Laboratory;
Grand Challenges in Ecosystems and the Environment;
Grantham Institute - Climate Change and Environment;
Green aviation research network;
Hedge Funds Research (Centre for);
Haematology (Centre for);
Hamlyn Centre;
Haque Group;
Health Economics and Management at Imperial;
Health Management;
Health Policy (Centre for);
Heart Science;
Heeney Group;
High Energy Physics Group;
Honda Wind Tunnel;
Human Anatomy Unit;
Human robotics;
Hunt Research Group;
Imaging Sciences Centre;
Immunology (Division of Investigative Science);
Immunology and Inflammation;
Impacts and Astromaterials Research Centre;
Imperial BRC Genomics Facility;
Imperial Cancer Research UK Centre;
Imperial Clinical Trials Unit;
Imperial College Organic Geochemistry;
Imperial Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre;
Imperial International Phenome Training Centre;
Implants and regenerative medicine;
Implementation of Membrane Technology to Industry;
Industrial Biotechnology;
Infection and immunity;
Infection, immunology and inflammation
Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Infectious Diseases (Division of);
Institute for Security Science and Technology;
Institute of Biomedical Engineering;
Institute of Chemical Biology;
Institute of Clinical Sciences;
Institute of Global Health Innovation;
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology (IRDB);
Institute of Shock Physics;
Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology;
Integrative systems biology;
Integrative Systems Biology and Bioinformatics (Centre for);
Intelligent Behaviour Understanding;
Intelligent Systems and Networks;
International Centre for Circulatory Health;
Interventional imaging and devices;
Investigative Science (Faculty of Medicine);
Ion Trapping;
John Adams Institute;
JW-E Group;
LFC-UK: Development of Underpinning Technology for Laminar Flow Control;
London Centre for Nanotechnology;
London Centre for Ore Deposits and Exploration;
London e-Science Centre;
LRF Transport Risk Management Centre;
The Laboratory of Plant Morphogenesis;
Management Buy-Out Research (Centre for);