Institute of Health Management
Science BA (Hons)Sport and Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons)Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)Sport Management,伯明翰大学:Applied Golf Management Studies BSc (Hons)Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences BSc (Hons)Sport,,爱丁堡大学:Applied Sport Science BSc (Hons)Physical Education MA (Hons)Sport and Recreation Management BSc,MSci (Hons)Sport Management and Coaching BSc (Hons)7.,布鲁内尔大学:Psychology (Sport, Health and Exercise) BSc (Hons)Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences (Physical
PhD Quantitative Economic History 数量经济学历史 学制3-4年 申请截止日期4月26日 学费第一年18624英镑,要求GREDepartment of European Institute,GMAT或GRE,学费35568英镑/年研究型硕士及博士项目:MRes/PhD Finance金融 学制 4-6年 申请截止日期4月26日学费第一年18624英镑Department of Gender Institute,Policy 健康政策系授课型硕士项目:MSc Global Health Policy 全球健康政策 学制1年 学费25328英镑/年MSc Health Policy, Planning and,年研究型硕士及博士项目:MPhil/PhD Health Policy and Health Economics 卫生政策与卫生经济学 学制4年 申请截止日期6月14日 学费第一年18624英镑Department,管理系授课型硕士项目:Global Master's in Management管理 学制2年 学费第一年29608英镑,第二年30360英镑 要求GRE或GMATMaster's in Management
伍斯特理工学院伍斯特理工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute,WPI)成立于1865年,是一所位于美国马萨诸塞州伍斯特市的世界知名私立研究型大学。,School of Architecture4、College of Food,Agricultural,and Environmental Sciences-Agricultural Technical Institute5,、School of Natural Resources6、College of Human Ecology7、College of Medicine and Public Health-School,of Allied Medical Professions-School of Biomedical Science-School of Public Health8、College of Nursing9
英国格拉斯哥大学会计金融硕士专业学制1、MRes Accounting & Finance学制:全日制 12个月2、MAcc International Accounting & Financial Management,MRes Accounting & Finance,MAcc International Accounting & Financial Management,MFin International Finance,BAcc Accountancy & Finance 学位:Bachelor of Accountancy 课程得到了英国专业会计机构的认可,包括 Institute of Chartered Accountants,of Scotland (ICAS), Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW), Chartered Institute,of Management Accountants (CIMA), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)。
(Human Resource Management), MSc管理学 (国际管理), 理学硕士Management (International Management), MSc管理学 (市场营销),Intelligence), MSc健康科学与医学Health Science and Medicine生物医学科学 (临床生物化学),理学硕士/PGDipBiomedical Science (Clinical,Science (Clinical Microbiology), MSc/PGDip儿童与青少年,硕士预科Children and Young People Pre-Master's健康护理管理,理学硕士Health,Radiation Physics, MSc纳米医学,理学硕士/PGDip/PGCertNanomedicine, MSc/PGDip/PGCert公共卫生与健康改善,理学硕士/PGDipPublic Health,and Health Promotion, MSc/PGDip公共卫生与管理学,硕士预科Public Health and Management Pre-Master's科学与工程Science and
)● Events Management and Business Management (CR Top19)● Events Management and International Tourism,Management (CR Top19)● Events Management and Marketing Management (CR Top19)● International Business,Tourism Management and Marketing Management (CR Top19)● International Tourism Management with a Language,Health Care and Social Work 健康护理与社会工作● Health and Social Care (CR Top35)● Midwifery (CR Top35)● Adult,Nursing (CR Top35)● Children’s Nursing (CR Top35)● Learning Disability Nursing (CR Top35)● Mental Health
生物医学科学学院School of Biomedical Sciences公共卫生学院School of Public Health医学院Medical School研究所和中心:昆士兰大学临床研究中心,UQ Centre for Clinical Research儿童健康研究中心Child Health Research Centre弗雷泽研究所Frazer Institute卫生服务研究中心Centre,for Health Services Research昆士兰大学母校研究所Mater Research Institute - University of Queensland理学部全澳洲最大理学部之一
一月入学开放专业:- Management, MSc- Management (Artificial Intelligence), MSc- Management (Business Analytics,), MSc- Management (Digital Business), MSc- Management (Enterprise and Innovation), MSc- Management (,Finance), MSc2024斯旺西大学一月入学特色专业之Health Science and Medicine健康科学与医学课程包含生物医学、医学神经科学、健康数据科学等。,Science (Clinical Biochemistry), MSc/PGDip- Biomedical Science (Clinical Microbiology), MSc/PGDip- Health,Care Management, MSc- Health Data Science, MSc/PGDip/PGCert- Health Informatics, MSc/PGDip/PGCert- Medical
许多健康科学硕士专业的学生可能也会选择广泛的项目,或者专注于一个专业的课题,并且能够在下列领域中取得专业资格证书:Early Intervention、Environment and Health、Health,Behaviour Change、Health Information Management、Mens Health、Palliative Care.新西兰坎特伯雷大学健康科学硕士专业课程HLTH 401,Health and Health Systems 健康系统HLTH 402 Health Information Management 健康信息管理HLTH 407 Bioethics 生物伦理学HLTH, 409 Health and Culture 健康与文化HLTH 410 Health Leadership and Management 健康指导与管理HLTH 414 Interprofessional,人类健康HLTH 460 Critical Appraisal in Health Research健康研究严格评估HLTH 462 Health Intervention Research Methods
1HSH739 Global Health Policy and PlanningHSH745 Health Program EvaluationHSH747 Biostatistics 2HMF701,Health Policy and PlanningHSH745 Health Program EvaluationHSH755 Postgraduate Health PracticumHSH760,Health Economics 1HSH719 Economic Evaluation 1HSH739 Global Health Policy and PlanningHSH745 Health,Evaluation - Theory and PracticeMPE781 Economics for ManagersMMM710 Business Process and Operations Management,SectorAHA722 Applied Humanitarian Assistance: From Theory to PracticeAHA724 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
InequitiesHLTH 6220 3.0 Human Rights and Health EquityHLTH 6230 3.0 Health Equity Analytic OrientationsHLTH,6300 3.0 Political Economy of Global Health健康的选修课HLTH 5010 3.0 Health and ScienceHLTH 5020 3.0 Health,and Health (cross-listed CDIS 5095 3.0)HLTH 5440 3.0 Globalization, Pharmaceuticals & Health EquityHLTH,6412 3.0 Data MiningDEMS 5082 3.0 Disaster and Emergency Management: Medical and Public Health Issues,for Non-medical personnelECON 5459 3.0 Health EconomicsHIMP 6130 3.0 Strategic Management of HospitalsHIMP
National College of Art and Design•圣安吉拉学院St.Angela’s College of Education•香浓酒店管理学院Shannon College of Hotel Management,of Technology•卡罗理工学院Institute of Technology, Carlow•阿斯隆理工学院Athlone Institute of Technology•科克理工学院Cork,Institute of Technology•唐道克理工学院Dundalk Institute of Technology•高威梅奥理工学院Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology,•莱特肯尼理工学院Letterkenny Institute of Technology•布兰察斯镇理工学院Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown•利墨里克理工学院,Limerick Institute of Technology•斯莱戈理工学院Institute of Technology, Sligo•塔拉理工学院Institute of Technology,