Millfield School
美国微电子专业大学排名TOP60001 麻省理工学院工程学院 School of Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology001 斯坦福大学工程学院,School of Engineering,Stanford University001 加州大学伯克利分校工程学院 College of Engineering,University of California,Technology,Carnegie Mellon University*胡同学卡内基梅隆大学电子计算机工程成功案例009 普林斯顿大学工程和应用科学学院 Princeton University School,and Applied Science,University of California--Los Angeles013 南加州大学维特比工程学院 Viterbi School of Engineering,of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Harvard University027 宾夕法尼亚大学工程和应用科学学院 School of Engineering and
Art)莫雷教育与体育学院(Moray House School of Education and Sport)神学院(School of Divinity)经济学院(School of Economics,(Law School)文学、语言与文化学院(School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures)哲学、心理学与语言科学学院(School of Philosophy,下属2个小学院(School),为别为:爱丁堡医学院(Edinburgh Medical School)皇家(狄克)兽医研究院(Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies,下属 7 个小学院(School),为别为:生物科学学院(School of Biological Sciences)化学学院(School of Chemistry)工程学院(School of Engineering,)地球科学学院(School of GeoSciences)信息学院(School of Informatics)数学学院(School of Mathematics)物理与天文学院(School of
3、School of Humanities人文学院:包括考古学、凯尔特语和盖尔语、古典、历史、信息研究、哲学等专业。,2、School of Cancer Sciences癌症科学学院:包括癌症研究、肿瘤学、数字癌症技术、姑息治疗等专业。,4、School of Health & Wellbeing健康与福祉学院:包括神经心理学、临床心理学、公共卫生等专业。,6、School of Physics & Astronomy物理与天文学学院:包括天文学、物理学、天体物理学等专业。,2、School of Education教育学院:包括小学教育、中学教育、社区发展、设计与技术教育等专业。
)经济学院(School of Economics)社会健康科学学院(School of Health in Social Science)历史、古典与考古学院(School of History, Classics,and Archaeology)法学院(Law School)文学、语言与文化学院(School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures)哲学、心理学与语言科学学院,(School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science)社会与政治科学学院(School of Social and Political Science,)工程学院(School of Engineering)地球科学学院(School of GeoSciences)信息学院(School of Informatics)数学学院(School of Mathematics,)物理与天文学院(School of Physics and Astronomy)医学与兽医学院爱丁堡医学院(Edinburgh Medical School)皇家(狄克)兽医研究院(Royal (Dick
设置有以下学院:1、College of Dentistry2、College of Education-School of Educational Policy and Leadership-School,Knowlton School of Architecture4、College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences-Agricultural,Technical Institute5、School of Natural Resources6、College of Human Ecology7、College of Medicine and,Public Health-School of Allied Medical Professions-School of Biomedical Science-School of Public Health8,of Journalism and Communication-School of Public Policy and Management14、Graduate School15、Max M.
of Architecture, Planning & EnvironmentalPolicyUCD School of Biosystems & Food EngineeringUCD School,+自有农场+论文引用量排名世界第一●UCD School of Agriculture & Food Science●UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health,Systems●UCD School of Medicine●UCD School of Veterinary Medicine●UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy,●UCD School of Biomolecular & Biomedical ScienceUCD School of ChemistryUCD School of Computer ScienceUCD,School of Earth SciencesUCD School of Mathematics & StatisticsUCD School of Physics考研出分后留学还来得及吗?
伦敦玛丽女王大学主要院系工商管理学院 (School of Business and Management经济与金融学院 (School of Economics and Finance)英语与戏剧学院,(School of English and Drama)语言、语言学和电影学院 (School of Languages, Linguistics and Film)法学院 (School of Law,)政治与国际关系学院 (School of Politics and International Relations)生物与行为科学学院 (School of Biological and Behavioural,Sciences)电子工程与计算机科学学院 (School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science)工程与材料科学学院 (School of Engineering,and Materials Science)数学科学学院 (School of Mathematical Sciences)物理和化学院 (School of Physical and Chemical
of Agriculture & Food ScienceUCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health SystemsUCD School of MedicineUCD,School of Veterinary MedicineUCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy & Sport Science理学院- 生物和环境科学、,生物分子和生物医学、化学、计算机、地球科学、数学与统计、物理- 暑期实习(3 个月)或行业内长期时期(5-6 个月)UCD School of Biology & Environmental ScienceUCD,School of Biomolecular & Biomedical ScienceUCD School of ChemistryUCD School of Computer ScienceUCD,School of Earth SciencesUCD School of Mathematics & StatisticsUCD School of Physics考研出分后留学还来得及吗?
艺术与人文学部 Faculty of Arts and Humanities:英语学院 School of English历史系 Department of History语言与文化学院 School,School of Clinical Dentistry医学与人口 健康学院 School of Medicine and Population Health4.,理学学部 Science at Sheffield:生物科学学院 School of Biosciences化学系 Department of Chemistry数学与统计学学院 School of Mathematics,社会科学学部 Faculty of Social Sciences:建筑学院 School of Architecture经济系 Department of Economics教育学院 School of,Department of Landscape Architecture法学院 School of Law管理学院 Management School政治与国际关系系 Department of Politics
神学院(School of Divinity)经济学院(School of Economics)社会健康科学学院(School of Health in Social Science)历史、古典与考古学院,(School of History, Classics and Archaeology)法学院(Law School)文学、语言与文化学院(School of Literatures, Languages,and Cultures)哲学、心理学与语言科学学院(School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science)社会与政治科学学院(School of,of Biological Sciences)化学学院(School of Chemistry)工程学院(School of Engineering)地球科学学院(School of GeoSciences,)爱丁堡大学信息学院(School of Informatics)数学学院(School of Mathematics)物理与天文学院(School of Physics and Astronomy)科学与工程学院
山东英国初中留学学校推荐1.St Paul's girls'School-Hammersmith圣保罗女子学校-史密斯2.Wycombe Abbey School-Buckinghamshire威克姆阿贝学校,3.North London Collegiate School-Edgware北伦敦学院4.St Paul's School-London圣保罗学校5.Westminster School-London,埃琳诺霍莉斯女子学校9.Oxford High School GDST牛津中学10.South Hampstead High School南汉普斯德高级中学11.Withington girls School-Manchester,14.Royal Grammar School-Guildford皇家文法学校15.St Albans High School圣奥尔本斯女子中学16.Eton College伊顿公学17.Loughborough,High School拉夫堡中学18.City of London School伦敦城市女子学校19.St Swithun's School-Winchester圣斯威辛学校20.Brighton Colleg