To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind. 开物成务,励学利民。
香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University),简称"PolyU(理大)",是一所位于中华人民共和国香港特别行政区的公立综合性研究型大学,亦是大学教育资助委员会质素保证局九间可自我评审的院校之一。京港大学联盟、沪港大学联盟、粤港澳高校联盟、苏港澳高校合作联盟、中欧商校联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、新工科教育国际联盟、克林顿全球倡议大学、丝绸之路大学联盟、全球能源互联网大学联盟成员,理大工商管理学院是同时具有AACSB、EQUIS双重认证的商学院。
香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University),简称"PolyU(理大)",是一所位于中华人民共和国香港特别行政区的公立综合性研究型大学,亦是大学教育资助委员会质素保证局九间可自我评审的院校之一。京港大学联盟、沪港大学联盟、粤港澳高校联盟、苏港澳高校合作联盟、中欧商校联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、新工科教育国际联盟、克林顿全球倡议大学、丝绸之路大学联盟、全球能源互联网大学联盟成员,理大工商管理学院是同时具有AACSB、EQUIS双重认证的商学院。
Research Center:
Food Safety and Technology Research Centre;
Lo Ka Chung Centre for Natural Anti-Cancer Drug DevelopmentThis link will open in new window;
Materials Research CentreThis link will open in new window ;
Statistical Advisory Unit;
The AMSS-PolyU Joint Research Institute for Engineering and Management Mathematics;
The PolyU-HKBU-SDU Joint Research Center on Financial Mathematics;
Asian Centre for Branding and Marketing;
Asian Competition Law and Economics Centre;
Asia-Pacific Centre for Corporate Governance Studies;
C.Y. Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies;
Centre for Leadership and Innovation;
IMC-Frank Tsao Maritime Library and Research & Development Centre;
Logistics Research Centre;
Shipping Research Centre;
Sustainability Management Research Centre;
Research Centre for Advanced Technology in Structural Engineering;
Research Centre for Building Environmental Engineering;
Research Centre for Construction and Real Estate Economics;
Research Centre for Construction Innovation;
Research Centre for Environmental Technology and Management;
Research Centre for Fire Engineering;
Research Centre for Geo-Information Science and Technology;
Research Centre for Urban Hazards Mitigation;
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Wuhan University Partner GNSS Research Centre;
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Centre;
Advanced Optics Manufacturing Centre;
Biometrics Research Centre;
Centre for Signal Processing;
Consortium for Sound and Vibration Research;
Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre;
Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre;
Photonics Research Centre;
Power Electronics Research Centre;
Printed Circuit Board Technology Centre;
Research Centre for Combustion and Pollution Control;
Research Centre for Fluid-Structure Interactions;
Research Centre for Integrated Product Development;
Research Centre for Musculoskeletal Bioengineering;
Smart Railway Research Laboratory;
Centre for East Meets West in Rehabilitation Sciences;
Centre for Gerontological Nursing;
Centre for Integrative Digital Health;
Centre for Myopia Research;
Centre for Social Policy Studies;
Centre for Third Sector Studies;
Centre of Sports Training and Rehabilitation;
Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Centre for Sports Rehabilitation;
China Research and Development Network;
Dr & Mrs Lui Chee Woo Centre for the Knee;
Institute of Active Ageing;
Manulife Centre for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities;
Network for Health and Welfare Studies;
Squina International Centre for Infection Control;
Professional Practice and Assessment Centre;
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Peking University China Social Work Research Centre;
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Sun Yat-Sen University South China Rural Research Centre;
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Yunnan University Design and Social Development Centre;
World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services;
Yan Oi Tong Au Suet Ming Child Development Centre for Giftedness;
Centre for Translation Studies;
China-Europa Centre;
International Research Centre for Communication in Healthcare;
PolyU-PekingU Research Centre on Chinese Linguistics;
PolyU-Tsinghua U Centre for Language Science;
Research Centre for Professional Communication in English;
Asian Ergonomics Design Lab;
Asian Lifestyle Design Lab;
Creativity and Design Education Lab;
Design Technology Research Centre;
Digital Entertainment Lab;
Information Design Lab;
Interaction Design Lab;
Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation;
PolyU-ZhejiangU International Design Centre;
Public Design Lab;
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Yunnan University Design and Social Development Centre;
Urban Environments Lab;
Aviation Services Research Centre, Boeing;
The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel
地理位置:香港理工大学位于香港九龙红磡。气候:香港属于亚热带气候。春天(3月至5月中旬)温度由摄氏18-27度,平均温度23度着薄外套或毛衣。夏天(5月下旬至9月中旬)湿度约82%。宜穿炎热潮湿。温度由摄氏26-33度,湿度亦会上升至95%。(平均温度28度,湿度80%。)宜穿短袖衬衣及棉质衣裙。而因5月至11月乃台风季节,故应带备雨具。香港公众场所多有冷气,常出入及活动期间也应备薄外套(香港人称之谓"冷气褛")。秋天(9月下旬至12月上旬) 温度及湿度下跌,温度由摄氏。18-28度,平均23度,湿度约72%。天气晴朗及较干爽。宜穿衬衣、毛衣及轻便外衣。冬天(12月中旬至翌年2月下旬)温度由摄氏14-20度,平均温度17度,湿度约72%。天气清凉。宜穿套装及薄毛衣,气温偶尔跌至摄氏10度,须加穿大衣。