Creative WritingBA Broadcast and Multi-media JournalismBA and MA Social WorkAll programmes within the School,of Chemistry, School of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Literature,and the School of Drama and Creative Writing2)同时,针对且只针对2020级入学新生,大学将大部分研究生课程的雅思要求调整至总分6.0,2个单项不低于5.5,of Health Sciences, the School of Medicine, the School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing, School,of Pharmacy, School of Education and School of Psychology.此次的语言成绩调整是出于对疫情给本届新生造成影响的考虑,大学将在正式开学后继续给学生们提供免费的学术英语强化训练课程