Sevenoaks School
下面是IDP留学为大家整理的澳大利亚国立大学策展专业详情:澳国立艺术史与策展专业为澳国立艺术与设计学院(ANU School of Art and Design)开设的课程,也就是说,在这里学习艺术史,
墨尔本大学教育系自2010年起正式改为Melbourne Graduate School of Education,不再开设本科教育课程。,墨尔本大学法学院(Melbourne Law School)成立于1857年,历史悠久,是澳大利亚的顶尖法学院。在全球也极具优势、名列前茅。
Nanaimo School of Education, Canada(1) Ladysmith Secondary SchoolNumber of students: about 900School,The school was built in 2000 and isThe newest middle school in the entire campus.,profile: Woodland Middle School is the smallest middle school in Nanaimo, so the school has a strong,The school’s art courses are strong, the jazz band has repeatedly won awards, and the school’s sports,The school is also home to the Pacific Football School in the school district.ESL coursesTechnological
The school has many campuses. The teaching staff is relatively strong.,Each school has an average of only 70-180 students, and each class has only about 7 students.,This allows the school to provide a real personality in a wide range of courses and interests.,It is a private high school from grade 9 to grade 12, and it is also the largest private high school,In addition to middle school courses, the school also offers university preparation courses.
2021fall申请尾声,为了大家不错过最佳申请时间,小编就为大家带来了2021年美国前三十法学院LLM/JD申请截止日期,希望对大家有所帮助:2021年美国Top30法学院LLM申请截止时间Yale Law School,· Application deadline, LL.M.: December 1, 2020Harvard Law School· The final deadline for the 2021 LL.M,. program is December 1, 2020 LLMStanford Law School· Application deadline, LL.M.: TBA (December 8, 2020,Priority application completion deadline is February 1, 2021NYU law School· Fall 2021 Entry: December,are available October 1 on the Law School web site.
London International College is a full-time boarding high school located in Ontario, Canada.,It is the largest international school in London, Canada. The teaching staff is relatively strong.,high school can apply; graduates can get an Ontario graduation certificate.1.,To obtain the Ontario High School Diploma (OSSD), students need:1.,Chinese high school students can receive up to 20-24 credits.4.STEM coursesThe school implements STEM
of Education 教育学院:24990澳元/年School of Business, Economics and Public Policy 商学和公共政策学院:26250澳元/年School,of Law 法学院:24990澳元/年School of Environmental and Rural Science 环境科学学院:29400澳元/年School of Science and,Technology 科学和技术学院:29400澳元/年School of Health 健康科学学院:29400澳元/年School of Rural Medicine 农村医学院:29400澳元/年,:26250澳元/年School of Education 教育学院:24990澳元/年School of Business,Economics and Public Policy 商学和公共政策学院:,28000澳元/年School of Law 法学院:28000澳元/年School of Environmental and Rural Science 环境科学学院:31500澳元/年School
圣安德鲁斯大学专业历史 School of History国际关系 School of International Relations英语 School of English英语语言教学 English,Language Teaching艺术史 School of Art History经典文学 School of Classics古代历史经典研究希腊语拉丁语哲学,人类学与电影研究 School of,of Biology化学 School of Chemistry计算机科学 School of Computer Science物理与天文学 School of Physics & Astronomy,of Divinity圣经学新经研究神学研究 经济学与金融 School of Economics & Finance地理与地球科学 School of Geography & Geosciences,地理与可持续发展研究 Department of Geography & Sustainable Development管理学 School of Management数学与统计 The School
「圣保罗女子中学St Paul's Girls School」02.「吉尔福德中学Guildford High School」03.「圣保罗公学St Paul's School」04.,「北伦敦学校North London Collegiate School」05.「伦敦城市女子学院City Of London School For Girls」06.,「威尔逊学校Wilson's School」02.「伊丽莎白女王学校Queen Elizabeth's School」03.,「亨丽埃塔•巴尼特学校The Henrietta Barnett School」04.「佩特文法学校Pate's Grammar School」05.,「蒂芬女子学校The Tiffin Girls' School」08.「雷丁学校Reading School」09.
Art)莫雷教育与体育学院(Moray House School of Education and Sport)神学院(School of Divinity)经济学院(School of Economics,(Law School)文学、语言与文化学院(School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures)哲学、心理学与语言科学学院(School of Philosophy,下属2个小学院(School),为别为:爱丁堡医学院(Edinburgh Medical School)皇家(狄克)兽医研究院(Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies,下属 7 个小学院(School),为别为:生物科学学院(School of Biological Sciences)化学学院(School of Chemistry)工程学院(School of Engineering,)地球科学学院(School of GeoSciences)信息学院(School of Informatics)数学学院(School of Mathematics)物理与天文学院(School of
and Languages历史学、人类学、哲学与政治学学院School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Political法学院School of Law,女王大学管理学院Queen’s Management School社会科学、教育和社会工作学院School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work工程与物质科学学部,电气工程与计算机科学学院School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science数学与物理学院School of Mathematics,and Physics机械与航天工程学院School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering自然与建筑环境学院School of Natural and Built,of Biological Sciences医学、牙科与生物医学学院School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences护理与助产学院School
24所商学院位列这前1%的顶尖商学院:·Leeds University - Business School 利兹大学商学院·London Business School 伦敦商学院·University,of Exeter - Business School 埃克塞特大学商学院·Lancaster University - Management School 兰卡斯特大学管理学院·University,of Edinburgh - Business School 爱丁堡大学商学院·Kent Business School - University of Kent 肯特大学商学院·University,- Aston Business School 阿斯顿商学院·Bradford University - School of Management 布拉福德大学管理学院·Bayes Business,School 谢菲尔德大学管理学院·Durham University - Business School 杜伦大学商学院·Alliance Manchester Business School - The