Think Colleges
There are many colleges to choose from, and each school is open for all students in the school district
根据2004年的Fiske Guide to Colleges,堪萨斯大学是全美就读投资报酬率最高(the Best Buys of 2004 list)的公立大学之一。
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如非 211 院校,Affiliated Colleges(附属大学), Independent (独立大学), Private (私立大学) and Military (军事大学) universities
墨尔本大学研究生生活费要多少钱一、住宿费用第一种:校内住宿介绍:Residential Halls&Colleges:在Parkville校区内或10分钟路程内有12个住宿区,与学习相关的设施包括:图书馆