Knowledge, Wisdom, Humanity 知识,睿智,人道
曼大的教学质量始终位居英国独立教学质量评估的前列,每年的全球大学排名也始终位居世界前列,校友包括25位诺贝尔奖得主和众多国际名人。曼彻斯特大学在英国乃至全球都享有极高的声誉:2015/16QS世界大学排名全球第33位(英国第7位),2015年上海交大世界大学学术排名(ARWU)全球第41位(英国第5位)。在2014年英国官方组织的研究卓越框架(REF)评估中,曼彻斯特大学综合实力位居全英第5名。在位于德国的国际高等教育发展中心(CHE)2010年发布的欧洲大学“卓越排名”(CHE Excellenceranking)中,曼大是欧洲仅有的 七大学科(生物、化学、经济学、数学、物理、政治学、心理学)均被评定为“优秀”的大学之一。
曼大的教学质量始终位居英国独立教学质量评估的前列,每年的全球大学排名也始终位居世界前列,校友包括25位诺贝尔奖得主和众多国际名人。曼彻斯特大学在英国乃至全球都享有极高的声誉:2015/16QS世界大学排名全球第33位(英国第7位),2015年上海交大世界大学学术排名(ARWU)全球第41位(英国第5位)。在2014年英国官方组织的研究卓越框架(REF)评估中,曼彻斯特大学综合实力位居全英第5名。在位于德国的国际高等教育发展中心(CHE)2010年发布的欧洲大学“卓越排名”(CHE Excellenceranking)中,曼大是欧洲仅有的 七大学科(生物、化学、经济学、数学、物理、政治学、心理学)均被评定为“优秀”的大学之一。
Nobel Prize:
1906|Joseph John Thomson|Nobel Prize in Physics;
1908|Ernest Rutherford |Nobel Prize in Chemistry;
1915|William Lawrence Bragg| Nobel Prize in Physics;
1922|Archibald Vivian Hill| Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine;
1929|Arthur Harden| Nobel Prize in Physics;
1935 |James Chadwick|Nobel Prize in Physics;
1937|Walter Norman Haworth| Nobel Prize in Chemistry;
1943 |George de Hevesy|Nobel Prize in Chemistry;
1947 |Robert Robinson|Nobel Prize in Chemistry;
1948 |Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett|Nobel Prize in Physics;
1951|John Douglas Cockcroft| Nobel Prize in Physics;
1957 |Alexander Todd|Nobel Prize in Chemistry;
1961|Melvin Calvin| Nobel Prize in Chemistry;
1967 |Hans Albrecht Bethe|Nobel Prize in Physics;
1972 |John Richard Hicks|Nobel Prize in Economic Science;
1977 |Nevill Francis Mott|Nobel Prize in Physics;
1979 |Arthur Lewis|Nobel Prize in Economic Science;
1986 |John Charles Polanyi|Nobel Prize in Chemistry;
1993 |Michael Smith|Nobel Prize in Chemistry;
2001 |Joseph E Stiglitz|Nobel Prize in Economic Science;
2002 |John Sulston|Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine;
2010 |Andre Geim|Nobel Prize in Physics;
2010 |Konstantin Novoselov|Nobel Prize in Physics;
Research Centre:
Centre for Nanoporous Materials;
Centre of Excellence for Biocatalysis, Biotransformations and Biocatalytic Manufacture (CoEBio3);
Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology (MCISB);
Michael Barber Centre for Mass Spectrometry (MBCMS);
Organic Materials Innovation Centre (OMIC);
The Centre for Radiochemistry Research (CRR);
The EPSRC National Facility and Service for EPR Spectroscopy;
Centre for Nuclear Energy Technology (C-NET);
Centre for Process Integration (CPI);
Centre for Mesoscience and Nanotech;
Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology (MCISB;
Manchester Infomatics;
The National Grid Power Systems Research Centre;
The Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC);
Centre for Nuclear Energy Technology (C.NET);
Laser Processing Research Centre;
Modelling and Simulation Centre;
Rolls-Royce Nuclear University Technology Centre;
Tyndall Manchester;
Materials Performance Centre;
Northwest Composites Centre;
The International Centre for Advanced Materials (ICAM);
Centre for Atmospheric Science;
Research Centre for Radwaste & Decommissioning;
Williamson Research Centre;
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Languages (CIDRAL);
Centre for Jewish Studies;
Institute for Cultural Practices;
Centre for Study of Sexuality and Culture;
Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies;
Russian and Eurasian Studies Network;
Centre for Biblical Studies;
Lincoln Theological Institute;
Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies;
Centre for the Cultural History of War;
Centre for Chinese Studies;
Centre for Development Informatics (CDI);
Centre for Equity in Education;
Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC);
Centre for Urban Policy Studies (CUPS);
Centre for Urban Resilience and Energy (CURE);
Effective States and Inclusive Development (ESID);
Global Urban Research Centre (GURC);
Leverhulme Centre for the Study of Value (LCSV);
Manchester Architectural Research Centre (MARC);
Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice ;
Centre for Social Ethics and Policy ;
Manchester International Law Centre ;
ManReg: the Manchester Centre for Regulation, Governance and Security;
Alliance Manchester Business School;
Centre for Comparative and International Business Research;
Centre for Development Informatics;
Centre for Infrastructure Development;
Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change;
Centre for the Analysis of Investment;
Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC);
Crime Science and Security Research Group;
Customer Management Leadership Group;
Dalton Nuclear Institute;
Decision and Cognitive Sciences Research Centre;
European Work and Employment Research Centre;
Fairness at Work Research Centre;
Manchester Accounting and Finance Group;
Manchester Critical Management Group;
Manchester Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group;
Manchester Institute of Innovation Research;
MP3 - The Manchester Projects, Programmes and Portfolios Network;
Operations and Supply Chain Management Research Group;
Public Sector Research Centre (Herbert Simon Centre);
Sustainable Consumption Institute;
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (North);
Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity;
Morgan Centre for Research into Everyday Lives;
The Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis;
Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research;
Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC);
Political Economy Institute;
Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research (MCCIR);
Centre for Synthetic Biology of Fine and Speciality Chemicals;
Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research;
Systems Microscopy Centre;
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine;
Centre for Integrative Mammalian Biology;
Centre of Excellence in Biopharmaceuticals (COEBP);
The Healing Foundation Centre;
KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology;
Manchester Centre for Biophysics and Catalysis;
Research Northwest Embryonic Stem Cell Centre;
Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences;
Active ageing research (nursing);
Adult stem cell biology and musculoskeletal tissue engineering (regenerative medicine);
Ageing extracellular matrix (regenerative medicine);
Ageing Research Network [Manchester Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Research on Ageing (MICRA);
health sciences];
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (vision);
Anxiety, mood, metacognitive therapy;
Asthma (respiratory and allergy);
Autism at Manchester (across the University);
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD);
Autoimmune and inflammatory disease genetic epidemiology (Centre for Integrated Genomic Medical Research);
Bereavement by suicide;
Biochemical genetics;
Centre for Biostatistics;
Body, eyes and movement (BEAM) (psychological sciences);
(Institute of) Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health;
Brain-skin axis;
Cancer (various areas within or associated to the Faculty);
(Institute of) Cancer Sciences;
(Centre for) Cardiac Research;
Caries and diagnostic research;
Cell-cell interactions (regenerative medicine);
(Manchester Centre for) Cellular Metabolism (MCCM);
Centre for New Treatments and Understanding in Mental Health (CeNTrUM);
Child Health Psychology Research Network;
Child Health Research Network (health sciences);
Child Study Centre [formerly Max Planck Child Study Centre] (language development and disorders);
Children and young people (nursing);
Chronic cough (respiratory and allergy);
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
(Centre for) Clinical and Cognitive Neurosciences;
Clinical craniofacial research;
Clinical epidemiology (musculoskeletal research);
Clinical neurogenetics (genomic medicine);
Clinical neuroscience (imaging);
Cochrane Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma Group (musculoskeletal research);
Common disease genetics;
Comparative disease genomics and animal genetics (Centre for Integrated Genomic Medical Research);
Computer vision and cognitive systems computing (imaging);
Conduct disorders, depression and personality disorders;
Connective tissue and ageing (dermatology);
Craniofacial genetics (dentistry);
Criminal justice (mental health and risk);
Dementia at Manchester;
Dementia and ageing (nursing);
Dental biomaterials and biomechanics (dentistry);
(School of) Dentistry;
Dentistry: Systematic reviews and evidence based practice;
(Centre for) Dermatology;
Developmental biology (dentistry);
Developmental disorders (psychological sciences);
Developmental genetics;
Developmental psychopathology;
(Centre for) Developmental Sciences and Disorders;
Diabetes (endocrinology);
Diabetes and Obesity Research Network [DORN;
health sciences];
Diabetic retinopathy;
Drug Development and Translational Pharmacology;
Drug discovery and action;
Drug misuse [National Drug Evidence Centre (NDEC)];
Drug Usage and Pharmacy Practice Division;
Eating disorders;
Emotional cognition (psychological sciences);
(Centre for) Endocrinology and diabetes;
Endocrinology and growth (paediatrics and child health);
Environmental epidemiology;
(Centre for) Epidemiology;
Epidemiology of work related ill health (occupational and environmental health) includes THOR (The Health and Occupation Reporting) Network and THOR-gP Network;
Epithelial biology;
Evidence Synthesis Network (health sciences);
Face recognition (psychological sciences);
Face recognition and visual processing (imaging);
Food allergy (respiratory and allergy);
Functional genomics (musculoskeletal research);
Functional somatic syndromes and symptoms;
Fungal lung disease (respiratory and allergy);
Gastrointestinal whole body clinical research;
Gene-environment interactions (occupational and environmental health);
Genetic epidemiology;
Genetic ophthalmology;
Genetics and genomics (musculoskeletal research);
(Centre for) Genomic Medicine;
Greater Manchester and Cheshire Supportive and Palliative Care Research Alliance (health sciences);
Hair follicle biology (dermatology);
Health and social inequalities;
Health and Work Research Network (health sciences);
(Centre for) Health Economics;
Health eResearch Centre (HeRC);
(Centre for) Health Informatics;
Health policy, politics and organisation (HiPPO);
(Manchester Centre for) Health Psychology;
Health Sciences;
Health services research (gastrointestinal);
Health services research in genetics;
Healthy ageing (nursing);
(Centre for) Hearing and Vision Research;
History of health and social care;
Human decision making (psychological sciences);
(Institute of) Human Development;
Imaging biomarkers and signal-based biomarkers;
Imaging in cancer;
Imaging in vascular disease;
Imaging neuroscience;
(Centre for) Imaging Sciences;
(Centre for) Immune Mechanisms;
曼彻斯特位于盆地之中,北方和东方毗邻奔甯荒野,南面是柴郡平原。市中心位于艾威尔河(River Irwell)东岸,靠近另外两条河——麦诺克河(River Medlock)和埃瑞克河(River Irk)的汇流处。默西河(River Mersey)也经过城市南部。内城区大部分是楼房,从许多高大建筑物楼上可以看到广阔的荒野。另外,曼彻斯特河道发达,靠近利物浦港和煤矿。曼彻斯特气候潮湿,属于终年温和多雨的温带海洋性气候,该市的平均年降水量为809毫米,降水持续时间长,但降水强度小,降水常在1个小时以上,而鲜见几分钟的倾盘大雨。
本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇Benedict Cumberbatch|英国演员/制片人/《神探夏洛克》中夏洛克•福尔摩斯的饰演者;
徐达明 香港上市公司恒天立信副总裁;
余建明 麦格理资本大中华区资本市场主席;
陈礼明 DHL Express亚太区财务总监;
陈镇洪 天泉投资总裁,中国十大风险投资家;
郑文彪 安永大中华区首席财务官及营运主管;
程军 中国银行总行贸易金融部总经理;
张彦通 国务院参事室参事业务一司司长;
岑建君 教育部国际合作与交流司司长;
欧阳谦 中信银行股份有限公司监事会主席;
唐汉城 东亚银行副行政总裁兼首席运营官;
李家祥 交通银行独立非执行董事,恒生银行独立非执行董事兼审核委员会主席;
Michael D. Higgins(迈克尔·希金斯) 爱尔兰总统;
Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson(奥拉维尔·拉格纳·格里姆松) 冰岛总统;
Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud(艾哈迈德·穆罕默德·马哈茂德) 索马里兰总统;
Chaim Weizmann(哈伊姆·魏茨曼) 以色列第一任总统;
George Maxwell Richards(乔治·马克斯韦尔·理查兹) 特立尼达和多巴哥前总统;
Haider Al-Abadi(海德·阿巴迪) 伊拉克总理;
Rami Hamdallah(拉米·哈马达拉) 巴勒斯坦总理;
Said Musa(赛义德·穆萨) 伯利兹前总理;
曼大的教学质量始终位居英国独立教学质量评估的前列,每年的全球大学排名也始终位居世界前列,校友包括25位诺贝尔奖得主和众多国际名人。曼彻斯特大学在英国乃至全球都享有极高的声誉:2015/16QS世界大学排名全球第33位(英国第7位),2015年上海交大世界大学学术排名(ARWU)全球第41位(英国第5位)。在2014年英国官方组织的研究卓越框架(REF)评估中,曼彻斯特大学综合实力位居全英第5名。在位于德国的国际高等教育发展中心(CHE)2010年发布的欧洲大学“卓越排名”(CHE Excellenceranking)中,曼大是欧洲仅有的 七大学科(生物、化学、经济学、数学、物理、政治学、心理学)均被评定为“优秀”的大学之一。
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