
Brian Mason Doctoral Scholarship

坎特伯雷大学   新西兰



NZD 25,000


All eligible students


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Doctoral Degree




The purpose of this scholarship is to support students for study towards a PhD degree in Geology at the University of Canterbury.
Tenure: Three years

Applications must be made prior to, or within six months after, enrolment in a programme for a PhD degree in Geology at the University.

An applicant must have completed an appropriate qualification at a level judged to be equivalent to a bachelor's or master's degree with first-class honours at the University of Canterbury (equivalent to a UC GPA of at least 7.0).

Applications are not accepted from candidates who already hold a research doctoral degree,4 or from those who have previously made two or more applications for the Brian Mason Doctoral Scholarship or the UC Doctoral Scholarship or both.

By a date that is determined by the Dean of Postgraduate Research in consultation with the Department of Geological Sciences and that is notified in the announcement on the Scholarships website5 of the availability of the scholarship: a. applicants must have met the academic requirements for enrolment in a programme for a PhD in Geology at the University b. applicants must have received final confirmed grades for the qualifying degree c. applicants requiring admission with equivalent standing must have had this admission confirmed unconditionally (including any English language requirements) and d. applicants enrolled for a master's degree at the University and wishing to transfer to a PhD programme must have completed the transfer.

Students may not take up the scholarship until any non-academic requirements for the qualifying degree have been completed and credited.

Number Available Annually: The scholarship is not normally available annually.



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      和很多学校一样,坎特伯雷大学也有自己的语言班,语言班的开设可以帮助留学生更好的掌握当地语言,为日后的学习打下基础,同时,也能让他们快速融入到留学生活中去。今天,咱们要介绍的便是坎特伯雷大学语言班,那么你知道就读坎特伯雷大学有哪些优势吗?   一、坎特伯雷大学语言班介绍  坎特伯雷大学语言中心,英文缩写CCEL,是坎特伯雷大学及坎特伯雷大学预科学院唯一指定的语言课程提供机构。CCEL在基督城和奥克兰都有自己独立的教学场所,其基督城的教学楼位于坎特伯雷大学校园内,奥克兰的教学楼位于奥克兰市的中心。因此,学生可以选择不同的城市来完成他们语言培训课程。
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      坎特伯雷大学坐落于坎特伯雷省的省会基督城,是一所拥有200余年历史的优质学府,该校是一所研究型大学,目前共有7个学院、38个系,为广大留学生提供了丰富多彩的课程。今天我们要介绍的,便是坎特伯雷大学工程专业怎么样?坎特伯雷大学如何申请?想要申请该校的小伙伴,可以关注一下。   一、坎特伯雷大学工程专业怎么样?  坎特伯雷大学土木工程硕士专业旨在培养应用知识和技术设计、管理、建造和运营相关基础设施,包括建筑、道路和铁路、桥梁、塔、坝、管网、污水处理设备等。为社会创造一个可靠、安全和可持续发展的现代环境。通过学习,学生可以利用先进的计算机技术设计能够抵御地震、火灾、强风、暴风雪、洪水和山体滑坡等自然灾害的建筑物、道路和桥梁。他们还可以设计和建造水坝、运河、隧道、输电塔和其他支持电力系统运行的设施。
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