Ashmore State School
3学分代数2,3学分几何)科学 9学分(生物 3学分,物理3学分,化学3学分)历史 9学分(世界史,现代欧洲史,美国史各3学分)外语 9学分美术 4学分宗教 1学分Shattuck-St.Marys School,,埃默里大学(Emory University),华盛顿大学(University of Washington),密歇根大学(University of Michigan),俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State
新泽西州立罗格斯大学介绍一、学校简介新泽西州立罗格斯大学(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey),通称罗格斯大学(Rutgers University),of Education)梅森格罗斯艺术学院(Mason Gross School of the Arts)罗格斯大学商学院(Rutgers Business School-Newark and New,Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy)工程学院(School of Engineering)管理暨劳工关系学院(School of Management,School-Newark andNew Brunswick)刑事司法学院(School of Criminal Justice)纽瓦克法学院(School of Law-Newark)公共事务与管理学院,College-Camden)肯顿研究生院(Graduate School-Camden)肯顿商学院(School of Business-Camden)肯顿法学院(School of Law-Camden
Emory University 埃默里大学 | $54,500 | $54,50023 | Boston University 波士顿大学 | $52,000 | $52,00025 | Arizona State,| 获得奖学金人数George Washington University | 1671 | 1101Georgetown University | 1964 | 1093Brooklyn Law school,University of | 933 | 775University of California Los Angeles | 979 | 770Cardozo school of law | 881,University of | 969 | 707DePaul University | 727 | 704New York Law School | 863 | 668Columbia University,| 650Chicago-Kent College of Law-lit | 738 | 650New York university | 1369 | 647California Western School
美国高中课程(AP/ACT/SAT)您持有以下认证机构之一的认可的属于美国高中学历文凭;如果没有得到以下任何其中一个机构的认证,则属于国际高中文凭并拥有AP成绩(International High School,)New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Independent Schools (NEASC)New York State,Regents and the Commissioner of EducationNorth Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School,Improvement, Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCASC)Northwest Association of Accredited,Schools (NACS)Southern Association of Colleges and Schools , Council on Accreditation and School Improvement
5、纽约大学New York University学位:商业分析科学硕士Master of Science in Business Analytics学院:斯特恩商学院Stern School of Business,University, Bloomington学位项目:工商管理硕士Master of Business Administration分支:商业分析Business Analytics学院:凯利商学院Kelley School,10、密歇根州立大学Michigan State University学位:商业分析硕士Master of Science in Business Analytics地点:East Lansing, 密歇根州学院,11、北卡罗来纳州立大学North Carolina State University学位项目:分析科学硕士Master of Science In Analytics学院:高级分析研究所(Institute
Florida State University - College of Motion Picture Arts 佛罗里达州立大学学制:4 Year B.F.A.专业:Production学费/学年:,Northwestern University - School of Communication 西北大学学制:4 Year B.F.A.专业:Radio/Television/Film学费/学年:$40k,Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) 罗德岛艺术学院学制:4 Year B.F.A.专业:Film / Animation / Video学费/学年:$50k to
No. 23 -Arizona State University亚利桑那州立大学Master of Science in Business Analytics凯里商学院商业分析理学硕士课程为期九个月,包括,News and World Report) 2019年的一份报告,亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的W·P·凯里商学院(W. P.,Carey School of Business) 被认为是最好的商学院和信息系统研究生院之一。,No. 20-Oklahoma State University–Stillwater俄克拉荷马州立大学M.S. in Business Analytics (MSBAN)俄克拉荷马州立大学斯皮尔斯商学院,(SpearsSchool of business at Oklahoma State University)提供的顶级商业分析硕士(The topmaster’s in business analytics
University in the City of New York纽约州36圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University in St Louis密苏里州196梅奥诊所医学院Mayo Clinic School,of Chicago伊利诺伊州618范德堡大学Vanderbilt University田纳西州1518西北大学Northwestern University伊利诺伊州920西奈山伊坎医学院Icahn School,2231科罗拉多大学University of Colorado31阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校University of Alabama at Birmingham阿拉巴马州16634俄亥俄州立大学Ohio State
Florida State University - College of Motion Picture Arts佛罗里达州立大学学制:4 Year B.F.A.专业:Production学费/学年:$30k,Northwestern University - School of Communication西北大学学制:4 Year B.F.A.专业:Radio/Television/Film学费/学年:$40k,Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)罗德岛艺术学院学制:4 Year B.F.A.专业:Film / Animation / Video学费/学年:$50k to $60k
堪萨斯州里大学Kansas State University19. 雪城大学Syracuse University20. 克莱姆森大学Clemson University21.,罗德岛设计学院 Rhode Island School of Design25.
作为宾夕法尼亚州立大学系统旗舰校区,University Park校区几乎覆盖State College全境,同时也是所有校区中录取标准最为严格的校区。,2、在被学校录取之后,申请者需要提交学校记录Secondary School Records,包括高中学位证明等,也同样需要在2月1日之前提交3、标准化考试成绩。
credit Dissertation*LLAW6014 18-credit Dissertation*LLAW6057 International securities lawLLAW6260 Law of state,Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University)进行交换;也提供模拟法庭的机会,让学生可以通过参加模拟法庭来提升辩护技巧、积累实战经验;此外还有the Sir TL